Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Years!!

Boy are we ready for a night out on the town, but I'm pretty sure we're staying in. And anyway this was our Christmas Eve photo. Fooled you!

We had a wonderful Christmas down to CT and around VT, we were busy kids but had a super time and got lots of great new stuff.
We'll post lots more photos and info soon!
Love You,

Adley & Nathanael

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I'm crawling!!

What else needs to be said, but that it was caught on video, and I was going after the tree!!!

Mom will have to keep a closer eye on me now!
Merry Christmas!


Monday, December 15, 2008

Let it Snow!! Not Ice storm!

We just wanted you all to know that we didn't lose power in this recent Ice Storm, we were really blessed compared to lots of our friends, some of which are still with out from Friday to Monday.

We've been enjoying watching the birds at our feeder when we eat breakfast. Nathanael is mesmerized by them, and Adley tells us all when they 'fly away' and when the 'birds back'.

We sent out our Christmas cards today so soon you'll have 2 handsome boys in the mail.

Nathanael loves to zerbert up a storm, and laugh all the time. He's trying sooooo hard to crawl, and stiffens his legs when you want him to sit because he wants to stand.

Adley repeats lots of cool stuff the latest funny one he says a lot is "Mommy or Daddy what are you talking about?" He says Christmas and Jingle Bells, we're practicing the song so maybe he'll be able to sing to you this holiday season.

We love you all!!

Adley & Nathanael

Monday, December 8, 2008

Happy Holidays!!

So we got our tree this weekend. We went and cut it down ourselves, and that was very fun. Adley got a candy cane to walk around with, while Nathanael snoozed in the back pac carrier (he wanted to save himself for decorating.) We had a fun time decorating, Adley didn't want too much to do with the tree while decorating, but afterwards, the colored ball ornaments are very fun to look at yourself in and make faces. He says "Hi" to himself when he see's himself in the balls (well Mom started that with him and he keeps doing it.)

We've seen How the grinch stole Christmas, and Rudolph the Red Nosed raindeer, Charlie Brown is on tonight and you can bet we'll be seeing that one.

We can't wait to see lots of you for the Christmas Holiday,
Thanks for reading.

Oh and we are making a DVD for Christmas, so for you regulars we're not posting any more photo''ll have to wait for the DVD Christmas morning. :) (or Eve or the 26th depending on when we see you. We have a fully booked schedule of events.)

Well we love you all!

Adley and Nathanael

Just incase you were having a hard time with our Christmas gifts:
Adley: loves cars and now trains too, every train is Thomas Choo Choo. He loves building things, especially things he can put his cars into. He tells me whenever he sees a bus or a 'Whew Whew' (emergency vehicle of any kind), and he doesn't have any of these at home yet. His favorite movies and shows are (if you wanted to get stuff from the shows) The movies Toy Story, Iron Giant, Muppets Christmas especially kermit the frog...he likes frogs too. The shows Curious George and Super Why.
Nathanael: loves balls, he gets pumped when they are rolled towards him and chewing on things. I can't decide if he has any prefferences, usually it's whatever his brother is playing with he wants to bite because it must be good. He loves grabbing hand fulls of cherrios and getting one in his mouth..(well that's not for Christmas just for fun.) When football is on TV his eyes are glued to it. It's funny....again another just for fun.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!

We love you all and are so thankful that all of you are in our lives. We are thankful for our cool dude sunglasses which could be why we both have 3 girlfriends. Adley is especially thankful for fruit snacks (tractor snacks), moomie shows (movies), fruit, building houses and jumping. Nathanael is especially thankful for eating everything, his family he loves to smile so big at, playing with balls and slapping his hands to make big sounds.

We love you all!!

Adley & Nathanael

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I love playing ball!!

I had a blast with mom this afternoon, and Adley is being Adley, check out the new video....I know 2 video's back to back, I hope you can handle it!

Ok, time for supper!


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Eat the Food

Just another video from the boys!
I'm doing all the work

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

New Video

We just woke up from our afternoon nap and took a little video of us playing. I'm sure you will enjoy.

If you want updates of how big we are, Adley is wearing 3T clothes and a size 8 shoe, and Nathanael is wearing 12M and a 3 shoe but is soon to be a 4.

Nathanael squeals all the time, he's trying to lift his bum up while on the ground, he jumps like a mad man so he can be strong when he can walk to keep up with his big brother.
Adley is talking in sentences, and they are the best like "Dad I want milk peas" and "I wana go outside". There are so many!

Well that's our mini update,
Adley & Nathanael

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloweeen!!

Check out our festive video, and new blog photos and check out our Fall album for some new Halloween pics.

Today we are going to the mall to go trick or treating, then to a friends condo complex to get some more candy.

Fun Fun!!

Trick or Treat!!

Adley & Nathanael

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My 6 month Check-up

Was today in fact, mom must have written it down wrong, as we got all bundled up yesterday and went to the office, but our appointment was today.

So today I'm 19lbs 4oz in the 80th percentile and 28 inches long in the 90th percentile. So this means time to put my big boy seat in the car. Mom says that's ok, because I'm getting too heavy to be lugged in the carrier.

So Adley at 6 months was 20lbs 7oz and 27 inches long, so he was shorter and fatter. :)

Love you all


Sunday, October 26, 2008

I'm 6 months today!

Wow, I'm getting so big and doing all kinds of big things. Today I'm 6 months old.

I'm sitting up these days, and putting EVERYTHING in my mouth, when my feet are bare those are great things to put in my mouth. I laugh a lot, especially when Adley laughs then I laugh back. We have so much fun together.
I just started vegetables yesterday, squash was the 1st one I tried. Yesterday when mom gave me a bite I would shiver like I just took a horrible liquor shot (well I guess I don't know what that's like) but today I wolfed it down. I've been eating rice cereal hungrily since I was 5 1/2 months. Mom was using one spoon before and I need to grab the spoon everytime or I won't open my mouth, then I won't let go of the spoon, and become impatent for more food, sometimes I suck on the table top of my high chair because I can't wait. Mom wised up and now uses 2 spoons, once I eat my bite, I see a new bite coming in on a new spoon so I ditch the empty spoon and grab for the new one. I kind of need to have things fast and on my time.

I have my shots on Tuesday, wish me luck!
Then you'll find out how big I am.
I'm fitting wonderfully into 12 month clothes....I'm big!



Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fall is in the air!

Check out our new fall photos.

As you can see, we went apple picking, carved some pumpkins that Memere and Papa King grew for us, and played in the leaves next door....but I will say the nursing home next door does way too good a job clearing their leaves, we found one tree with leaves close to the front door in front of a coridor. There were lots of residents sitting there, I think they leave the leaves there just incase people come and play. Mom totally runs around the tree with me because we are both fast. Well I tell her she's fast and then she has to run right?? Of course Nathanael is in the front carrier when we do this, that makes him fast too.

So now we've got lots of apples, I hope mom makes some apple crisp...with lots of crisp. Oh and I like pumpkin seeds, dad has a sweet recipie with yummy cajin spices...yah I like it spicy too just like mom & dad.

Time to play with my brother!!


Thursday, October 9, 2008


Boy has it been a while since an update so we've got a lot to say. Check out the latest photo's and video.

The photos really say it all, we've been busy!!
We laugh together all the time, Adley is always so excited when his brother wakes up from naps. Nathanael has found his toes....more playing enjoyment.

We love you guys,

The boys

Friday, September 19, 2008

Adley Bikes!!

I peddle my bike now, you can check out my new video, except that mom is behind me most of the time.
I'm a cowboy biker!!
Yee Haw!


Ma Taune Andrea, are there still cowboys in Oklahoma?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Nathanael Jumps

Check me out in my new video, I figured out how to jump in my's awesome. Also Adley and I are hanging out in the video too.

Love you guys!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My big brother!!

I love my big brother, he shares his favorite blanket with me even though he balls it up and heaves it on me. When I'm awake and within reach he's sure to get right in my face, and growl most of the time, but sometimes he laughs and then I laugh. It's fun. We both lay on our bellies in our room and Adley reads me books, even books with one animal and one word on the page I usually get a whole paragraph out of him. Mom has no idea what he's saying to me, but I know. I love to watch what my brother is up too, most of the time it is to be prepared for any kind of abrupt noise in my face...but I love to smile when Adley is playing and I can watch. Adley wants to share all kinds of food/drink with me. Too bad mom has such eagle eyes because I'd like to try it. Adley likes to help with my baths too, he get's his step stool and reaches his bath toys and puts all of them in the tub with me. He'd put all of them in my little tub but mom thinks there needs to be some room for me, so he piles them mostly in the tub around my little tub and some come in the tub with me. He's so thoughtful.

Well that's what my awesome big brother does for me!!!


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

New Video

I'm a good eater!!! And Adley helps, check out our video.


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

4 month check

I had my 4 month check today. I am 16lbs 14oz, that puts me in the 85th percentile, and 26inches long, which is also the 85th percentile. Very proportioned, my Dr says thats very unusual. (Adley was EXACTLY the same at this, mom says she thinks I'm bigger....guess not..)

Over and out


I need a big nap now that I've had 3 shots today.

Adley must be going through a growth spurt, he's been eating a ton lately.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Adley's 2 year

I guess I forgot to post on this...(probably because it was very traumatizing since the last time i was in a hospital/dr office I had 6 stitches.) I am 36 inches tall in the 90th percentile, and 30lbs in the 75th percentile. Thankfully this time no shots....I don't think I could have managed. I did have to have my finger pricked for some blood levels, thankfully that was pretty fast.

Mom's still wondering if I'll be a leftie or rightie, I grab fistfuls of food to eat with my right, I use both hands to shovel food with my fork/spoon, Dad notices that I"m more lefty with batting balls and throwing my 'super fast ball' up close in your your face. Watch out!

I'm getting way more vocal, building my vocabulary day by day. My new word for today was Eagle...from my alphabets book, I go for a word of the day and use it periodically/randomly for a day. It's fun. Mom loves it when she's not sure what I'm talking about. For a while it was 'My HoHo" had no idea, until I said it on my wooden horse while I was riding she knows. I like to keep her guessing.

Also a fun milestone for little Nathanael, he sleeps on his belly, and mom found him on his back when he woke up at 6am. Cool beans...

Ok time for more TV and Beep Beeps.


Sunday, August 24, 2008


So I had my first meal of rice cereal today, and actually it was basically milk with a tiny bit of rice. First few bites I'm not sure whats going on, but soon I loved it and was slurping it off the spoon. I finished the little bit mom made me pretty fast, then she made me more. I'm going to love this eating thing. I've taken to cluster feeding cat napping every afternoon, and waking up at 4am to eat, so more food during the day gets me psyked!!

In other news we went to Granpie's last weekend, more photos to follow.

Dad got Adley a bell for his tricycle, he loves to ring it. Check out the sweet video of Adley dancing and me singing (not sure you can really call me singing, but I have a lot to say.)

Well over and out, I'll have my 4month checkup this Tuesday so stay tuned for more updates.


Thursday, August 7, 2008

Happy Birthday too me!!


I've been having the best birthday. I woke up this morning to find a little 'Cars' racetrack in my room. I went to the park with my friends (check out the photos).

But I've had lots of Birthdays so far, one at Memere's, one when Ma Taunte Andrea was here. I'm really good at blowing out candles.

I had cake with Mom & Dad and blew out my candles expertly, and really enjoyed some messy cake, yellow cake with vanilla pudding and chocolate frosting....mmmm.

Saturday we went to the zoo....more photo's to follow. I loved the deer petting zoo, goat petting zoo, and all the fun photo opportunity things to climb on. My favorite animals were the birds and the giraffes and tigers.

Thanks Everyone for a super sweet Birthday!!

Here's another link for more photos from a playdate.


Monday, July 21, 2008

My Big Brother

So lots has happened in the last 2 days. So on Sunday my big brother was getting into his seat for lunch. He went to turn around to sit after climbing up, but slipped and caught his face on the table and landed on the floor. Poor guy had to get 6 stitches....his face is a little puffy today....

However don't feel too bad for him. So I'm taking my nap...all of a sudden my brother climbs into my crib with me. So I start to protest so mom comes in and rescues me....I do sleep right in the middle and he was climbing all over me. So Mom holds me and finishes her conversation with Memere, calls Dad to give him the news. Then she goes back to check on the big man. he's back in the crib with his blanket this time.....what a crazy kid.....

So that was the crazy excitement for the last 2 days. Here are some sweet photos too.


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Another Pool Day

What a blast, we went to our Church friends pool, I went down the big pool slide multiple times, it was a blast. The first time up the ladder I was way more excited about the water spraying the slide then going down it, but Mom was at the bottom to catch me. I sucked down some pool a couple times but kept going back for more. All the church ladies love to hold Nathanael. He smiles at all the kids.

I love summer!!


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Pool Day

Another toasty summer day calls for a fun backyard pool day. Check out the fab photos.

Nathanael did sleep through most of it, but he did take a naked dip in the pool.

All that swimming makes me tired, time to nap!
Also there is a new video of the both of us from a few days ago.


Monday, July 7, 2008

New Photo's

Here are some sweet photos!!

We've been very busy so not a lot of time for posts..but these are photo's from our trip to Memere's all the way to the 4th of July!!



Thursday, June 26, 2008

My 2 month check-up

So today I had my checkup. I'm 13lbs 10oz in the 90th percentile and 23 1/2 inches tall in the 70th percentile. I had 3 shots and a drink. Mom says I'm hardcore like my brother.....and if I'm anything like my brother I'll sleep all day too.

Adley was 12 lbs 5 oz and 23 inchers at his 2 month and was in rthe 75th percentile for both.

ok time to eat & sleep.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My first Playdate

So this Tuesday I actually played with someone my age (photos). Which means my arms flailed all over my small friend. It was a fun few minutes then I took a nap.

It's hard to be a baby!!


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

This week

Here are some fun random photo's in mom's album.

Also another sweet video of me. I'm learning to watercolor....just watch my brush strokes.
You can keep the sound off if you want mom set up the camera on the table, forgot about it and was talking on the phone to Aunt Brooke, so her arm was in the film half the time that's why it's all chopped up.
We've been having loads of fun, and keeping busy.
Well off to bed.


Thursday, June 5, 2008

Just a little something

So there's another video of Nathanael and I. Just a little something to whet your whistles.


Friday, May 30, 2008


We went to the fair the other night, check out the fun photos.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Sweet Photos

Just a few sweet photo's of me.

Everyone is doing very well, we've been out of the house both days this week, and for some reason both Nathanael and I nap at the same time so Mom even gets naps in. She says we're angels this week. Last week was just a test run.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Dad's back to work

So Dad's back to work, but don't worry we're both on our best behavior. Mom did say she was pleasantly surprised on Monday. I think today Nathanael kept her from napping as he wanted to be held, but it's a good thing he's so cute.

Not much to's decided to do some weight training today, she had me in the backpack and Nathanael in the carriage (decided not to go with a ridiculous 2 seater stroller. :) ) and we walked to the park that's half a mile away. I enjoy the backpack..and the park, it was a sweet day. Mom's sure to lose those baby pounds soon carting me around.

Also a couple photo's of my Bro



Thursday, May 8, 2008

The butterfly place!!

We went here today. Here are a few photos. Dad has a bunch of all the neat butterflies flying all around. All of us had them land on us. I did not like that. One almost landed on Nathanael's face but he was sleeping as usual and missed it. We had a fun time.

I love having Daddy home!!


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Meet My Brother Nathanael!!

I have a new little brother. He has soft hair I like to pet, and I put my face in his face and study him. I think he's ok so far.

Nathanael John born April 26th at 5:53pm he was 8lbs 5oz and 21 inches long.

So from now on I'll be posting info about the both of us, maybe I'll let Nathanael post some too when he gets old enough.

PHOTOS for all my non-facebook and CDCspace friends!!


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Pools Open

Check me out in my latest video, just a short clip of me in the pool having a blast as usual!!! We did a quick set up today, so we're ready for the 78 degree day tomorow to really fill it up and enjoy.

Also my new blog photo shows I have a big boy bed, last night was my first night sleeping in it. I look like such a big boy huh?

Lots of fun stuff going on here,

update on my little brother, who I really have no idea he's coming. :)
He has really plumped up and weighs about 6.8 pounds and is over 19 1/2 inches long. He has a firm grasp, which you'll soon be able to test when you hold his hand for the first time! His organs have matured and are ready for life outside the womb.

I'm wondering what color his eyes will be so I did some research. If he's born with steel gray or dark blue eyes, they may stay gray or blue or turn green, hazel, or brown by the time he's 9 months old. That's because a child's irises (the colored part of the eye) may gain more pigment in the months after she's born, but they usually won't get "lighter" or more blue. (Green, hazel, and brown eyes have more pigment than gray or blue eyes.)

Just thought I'd give you guys some fun facts.....I've got some scientist in me....

Love you guys!!


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Check me out!

Behind the wheel of our brand new car. A fun red Mazda 5 mini van........Zoom Zoom!!!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Friday, April 4, 2008


Check it out a new video, this one is just me fooling around. It's a bit longer than the usual video.

I've been doing very well. I'm using all kinds of words, lots of them I use myself, and many more I repeat. I went to a friends house with a big dog, and the dog went to put my truck in his mouth, so I got down on all 4's and put the truck in my mouth too. I love dogs. But really mimicking people.

You should see how many sweet silly faces I have from my Dad. I use them all day long so mom gets to laugh a lot.

I love rocks, crushed stone is the best. I like to carry it around from place to place.

I love to run around and explore. But most of all I love to be hammy so mom and dad laugh. I put on a good show.

These are my brothers stats: 35 weeks
He doesn't have much room to maneuver now that he's over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5 1/4 pounds, a honeydew melon. His kidneys are fully developed now, and his liver can process some waste products. Most of his basic physical development is now complete — he'll spend the next few weeks putting on weight.

Well over and out!!


Friday, March 21, 2008

What's up with me!!

Well as you can see I have a new blog photo, that's me hard at work posting this message.

Mom took a couple bath glamor shots, enjoy.

Check me out coloring in my latest video too, I'm an artist in the making, I know it.

Last night we had a small Easter egg hunt with M&M's in them. That was fun. My first hunt ever. I'm excited for this weekend to head up to Vermont and see the whole family, and eat lots of food. I love food!!!

Until next time!!


Friday, February 29, 2008

Catching Snowflakes!

Hello everyone,
I had a fun time catching snowflakes with my tounge in the last snow storm. Check out my new blog photo.
Expecting more snow today!!

I love playing in the snow!


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

18m Check-up!!

Wow, what a busy day for me today.

I had my 18m checkup. I'm weighing in at 27lbs 7oz in the 75th percentile & 34 inches long in the 90th percentile. I got 2 shots, and my nurse did them in my arm.....big ouch!!! My legs are much bigger, so next time I'm going to ask for the long as I can.

Mom and I meet our friends at the mall for a nice stroll. I love the hip tunes at Ambercrombie & Fitch, so Lily and I stepped in to get our groove on. Good times. We at lunch at the Rain Forest Cafe, what a cool place. They have alligators, Monkeys, Elephants that move, huge fish tanks that are sweet to watch, and a huge waterfall fountain I loved to look at. Of course this is vacation week.....which made for a loooong lunch as the cafe was crazy busy.
Now I'm back home writing to you after I fell out of my crib earlier today in nap attempt first jail break...didn't go as planned.

My baby Brother is doing very well too. Here's his stats: 29 weeks
Your baby now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds (like a butternut squash) and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing bigger to make room for his developing brain. This trimester, about 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited in your baby's hardening skeleton each day.

Time to snooze take 2!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Go Patriots!!

Nothing to much to report, just another photo album to view.

My brother is 24wks, almost a foot long, like a corn on the cob. I guess from here on out he fattens up. He kicks a lot, but I don't notice.

Love you,

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

My Christmas Holiday

Hello All,

This post has been a long time coming but my holiday was so busy and fun I just needed a little relaxation time before writing it all down. Here are the photo's that go along with my story.
My holiday started the Wednesday before Christmas when Ma Taunte Andrea flew in from Houston. We had lots of fun wrapping gifts and playing. I love having a roommate. Then Friday night off to Vermont to Memere's and Papa Kings. We got in about 10ish, so we had snacks and played for about an hour then off to bed. Everyone slept in nice and late. We had fun opening presents, and then it was off to mom's friend Sara so we could see Jeffery. I had fun seeing him, but did my own thing as Jeffery is just crawling and I like to get around. Then off to Grampies. Once at Grampies, we had a party to go to that night at the Robilards. There new house is very nice, and spacious. I enjoyed playing with the cooler of beverages. I took ice cubes in and out of the cooler for a while and was very entertained. Then I broke down....busy day so we went back to Grampies to hit the hay. Sunday morning we were off to the Hall for Great Memere's Christmas party. Very fun gift swap, I got a humungo box of chocolates but I'm sure mom and dad are eating them all. No fair. Then to Great Grammy's for more family fun. I got to play with my second cousin Mia who is about my size. She's a bit bossy and liked to push me around. She's a few months older but I'm bigger than her. I think it's her older brothers that make her so tough. Sunday night back to Grampies. There was a fun power outage so we had a candle light style evening. Very fun. I love flashlights. Nana read a fun Christmas book with me in her lap by the flashlight, then the three of us were off to bed. Monday morning we opened presents at Grampies. It started snowing pretty hard so we left for home a bit earlier in the day than we would have. I brought my gear for sledding but we had to leave. Once back at home we had a nice low key Christmas eve celebration which included watching the polar express. Christmas morning we opened presents at the house. I got some sweet presents this holiday season. We watched the parade and I had a bit of a nap before we were off to Great Uncle Dave's for some Barbrie family fun. We had the main course there, and it was off to Uncle Dan's for the 'small' Philips family gift opening and desserts. Just desserts at a party is really the way to go, (well maybe this is mom talking.) Then back home. Wednesday was spent recovering, the three of us stayed in our pajamas all day. What a great holiday.
I got my hair cut really short, a nice buzz, to end my Christmas report.
I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!