Monday, December 15, 2008

Let it Snow!! Not Ice storm!

We just wanted you all to know that we didn't lose power in this recent Ice Storm, we were really blessed compared to lots of our friends, some of which are still with out from Friday to Monday.

We've been enjoying watching the birds at our feeder when we eat breakfast. Nathanael is mesmerized by them, and Adley tells us all when they 'fly away' and when the 'birds back'.

We sent out our Christmas cards today so soon you'll have 2 handsome boys in the mail.

Nathanael loves to zerbert up a storm, and laugh all the time. He's trying sooooo hard to crawl, and stiffens his legs when you want him to sit because he wants to stand.

Adley repeats lots of cool stuff the latest funny one he says a lot is "Mommy or Daddy what are you talking about?" He says Christmas and Jingle Bells, we're practicing the song so maybe he'll be able to sing to you this holiday season.

We love you all!!

Adley & Nathanael

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