Sunday, October 26, 2008

I'm 6 months today!

Wow, I'm getting so big and doing all kinds of big things. Today I'm 6 months old.

I'm sitting up these days, and putting EVERYTHING in my mouth, when my feet are bare those are great things to put in my mouth. I laugh a lot, especially when Adley laughs then I laugh back. We have so much fun together.
I just started vegetables yesterday, squash was the 1st one I tried. Yesterday when mom gave me a bite I would shiver like I just took a horrible liquor shot (well I guess I don't know what that's like) but today I wolfed it down. I've been eating rice cereal hungrily since I was 5 1/2 months. Mom was using one spoon before and I need to grab the spoon everytime or I won't open my mouth, then I won't let go of the spoon, and become impatent for more food, sometimes I suck on the table top of my high chair because I can't wait. Mom wised up and now uses 2 spoons, once I eat my bite, I see a new bite coming in on a new spoon so I ditch the empty spoon and grab for the new one. I kind of need to have things fast and on my time.

I have my shots on Tuesday, wish me luck!
Then you'll find out how big I am.
I'm fitting wonderfully into 12 month clothes....I'm big!



1 comment:

Sara Davies Coe said...

Good luck! Can't wait to hear the stats :)