Sunday, August 24, 2008


So I had my first meal of rice cereal today, and actually it was basically milk with a tiny bit of rice. First few bites I'm not sure whats going on, but soon I loved it and was slurping it off the spoon. I finished the little bit mom made me pretty fast, then she made me more. I'm going to love this eating thing. I've taken to cluster feeding cat napping every afternoon, and waking up at 4am to eat, so more food during the day gets me psyked!!

In other news we went to Granpie's last weekend, more photos to follow.

Dad got Adley a bell for his tricycle, he loves to ring it. Check out the sweet video of Adley dancing and me singing (not sure you can really call me singing, but I have a lot to say.)

Well over and out, I'll have my 4month checkup this Tuesday so stay tuned for more updates.


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