Monday, August 25, 2008

Adley's 2 year

I guess I forgot to post on this...(probably because it was very traumatizing since the last time i was in a hospital/dr office I had 6 stitches.) I am 36 inches tall in the 90th percentile, and 30lbs in the 75th percentile. Thankfully this time no shots....I don't think I could have managed. I did have to have my finger pricked for some blood levels, thankfully that was pretty fast.

Mom's still wondering if I'll be a leftie or rightie, I grab fistfuls of food to eat with my right, I use both hands to shovel food with my fork/spoon, Dad notices that I"m more lefty with batting balls and throwing my 'super fast ball' up close in your your face. Watch out!

I'm getting way more vocal, building my vocabulary day by day. My new word for today was Eagle...from my alphabets book, I go for a word of the day and use it periodically/randomly for a day. It's fun. Mom loves it when she's not sure what I'm talking about. For a while it was 'My HoHo" had no idea, until I said it on my wooden horse while I was riding she knows. I like to keep her guessing.

Also a fun milestone for little Nathanael, he sleeps on his belly, and mom found him on his back when he woke up at 6am. Cool beans...

Ok time for more TV and Beep Beeps.


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