Monday, July 21, 2008

My Big Brother

So lots has happened in the last 2 days. So on Sunday my big brother was getting into his seat for lunch. He went to turn around to sit after climbing up, but slipped and caught his face on the table and landed on the floor. Poor guy had to get 6 stitches....his face is a little puffy today....

However don't feel too bad for him. So I'm taking my nap...all of a sudden my brother climbs into my crib with me. So I start to protest so mom comes in and rescues me....I do sleep right in the middle and he was climbing all over me. So Mom holds me and finishes her conversation with Memere, calls Dad to give him the news. Then she goes back to check on the big man. he's back in the crib with his blanket this time.....what a crazy kid.....

So that was the crazy excitement for the last 2 days. Here are some sweet photos too.



Sara Davies Coe said...

Adley, I am so sorry to hear about your injury! I hope that you feel better soon. Love, Sara

Taunte Didea said...

Oh no Adley!! Stitches are no fun- both your Mom and I know that. Looks like I'll get to see the battle scar first hand next week!

Nathanael: You've grown so much from the last time I saw you- maybe you'll have your eyes open just a little longer for me this trip.

I can't wait to see you guys- Love you so much!