Wednesday, December 12, 2007

My little Brother

So I'm going to have a little brother!! I'll be able to show him the ropes, this will be so much fun. I went to the ultrasound today, so I got to see my 19wk old brother. All 10 fingers and toes and the 4 chambers of his heart. Pretty sweet.
Mom says I had a button nose on the ultrasound and my brother has a nice pronounced nose (maybe Barbrie nose. :) ). I can't wait to see it.

My brother's placenta has implanted high on the uterine wall so no concerns about placenta privia like with me. So for now that's the last ultrasound mom & dad will get.

I guess my brother is about 8 1/2 oz and 6 inches long, says the online updates. So small.

Well that's my update!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

New Teeth!!

Mommy Braved putting her fingers in my mouth and found my two molars coming through back there. I did bite her fingers a little while she was fishing around. One top right the other bottom left. There is another one under the skin in the upper right. At least now I will be able to really chew all the meat mom feeds me. :)
I'm enjoying my Veggie tails before I go take a bath tonight. Boy do I love bath time. My favorite is to lay on my back and pick up both legs high and splash them down hard while splashing with his arms. I do it so much I can't see anything with splashes to my face. I love to splash, the more the better.

I guess that's my update.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Christmas Tree

This weekend we went to cut down our Christmas Tree and I helped. Check out the sweet photos of this adventure. Sorry my posts are not very lengthly but I figured you'd rather see me than read my prose.
Over and out,

Thanksgiving weekend

What a great weekend, I have so much to be thankful for.

On Thanksgiving we went to Uncle Dan's for a wonderful feast. It was very yummy. Jayden and I ate almost all of the grapes at the party. We're both big fans...I might be a bit more than him.
Friday and Saturday we spend up in Vermont at Memere's and Papa Kings. I had my first sledding ever. At first I didn't know what to think, but after a few runs I couldn't get enough. Check out the sweet photos from my adventure.
Sunday we went to see the three Theis. It was very nice to meet Isabel. She is so small, only 4 wks old. She did have some sweet toys to play with, I'll be back to squeeze the glow worm a few more times.
Fun Times

Friday, November 23, 2007

My Stats

Hello everyone,

I know the holiday season is approaching, and not that I think you should buy me things, but I wanted to make you aware of my sizes of things so you could make informed buying decisions if you want to.

My Feet:
I'm wearing size 5 shoes right now. I think some warm 5 slippers would be fun (with grippers please...when I just wear socks around the house I run around and slip all over the place.) I'd love some size 6 sneakers for this spring to run around in. (maybe size 6 galoshes for playing in puddles in the spring too...if they let kids as small as me do fun stuff like that.)
My Clothes:
I have a long torso, if it's 1 piece pajama's I'll need 24m or 2T. (they are the same for you novices.) In pants 18m works great, but in shirts 18m can be a bit short. I'm going to have to upgrade to a 2T tops, or 18m with crotch snaps.

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Just wanted to write you all a little Thanksgiving poem from me. I hope you like it. A lot of thought went into this one.
Love Adley

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

First Snow of the Season!

Today was the first snow of the season. I was looking out the window and had to go check it out. So mom and I got bundled up (well she would have put my snow pants on if she thought I'd be as curious as I was.) It was a fun time. Check out the photos which will be uploaded shortly.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

My 15month Check-up!

So for my check-up today I got 3 shots....yikes...I would have got one more but they ran out of Chicken Pox vaccine. So I guess they don't let kids get that one anymore.

I am 26lbs 7oz and 32 1/2 inches long and 47 cm head diameter. That puts me in the 75th for weight and 95th for height. I'm healthy and doing great!!


My Halloween!!

Hello Everyone,,

I had a great Halloween. The Friday before Halloween, we had a party with all my meet-up group friends. There are some pictures in this album and finally some more in this one. It was a fun time. Saturday night Christine and John had a big kids party, so we went and left early, but had lots of fun. They have a new dog named Milo, I liked him a lot, but at first he just wanted to jump on me. Halloween day Mom and I went to two malls. The first on was for her Mary Kay, I was dressed as Tom Brady. I got some M&M's at Tristin....I love them, and I got a plaid stuffed dog at Victoria's Secret...what can I say the ladies love me. That afternoon there was a trick or treat at the mall near our house. we went there, and I ate way to much candy, but it was fun. I was a bit wired when Dad got home, and had a hard time going to sleep. I don't know mom & dad have really cut down on my candy fun.

I was an Elephant for Halloween. It was fun!!


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Leaf Pile

This weekend I played in the leaves with my cousin Jayden. There are some more photos in this album, but the leaf one is my favorite.


Monday, October 8, 2007

Winter Gear

So I'm all set for the snow to fly!!!

Who wants to take me sledding???


Friday, October 5, 2007

Guess What??

I can say my name. Adley is my first word. The rest of the video is just me being a ham...but that's nothing new for all of you.

And my baby brother (just guessing) is the size of a grape. I love to sit on him and pound on him a little through mommy's chubby belly. (She won't mind that I wrote is a bit chubby.)



Thursday, September 27, 2007

Ma Taunte Andrea was in Town

And boy did we have a fun action packed time. MaTaute Andrea & Memere came over Saturday. We hung out and played all afternoon. Sunday morning we did the Komen Breast Cancer walk in Boston, it was a great 5K. Then we enjoyed some breakfast at Angelino's. The rest of the day we chilled, since it was an early wakeup. My girlfriend Anna came over and we hung out with her as well. Dad went to Youth group and mom helped by babysitting. Memere had to go pick up Papa King at the airport Sunday night.
Monday Grandpie came over. It was his 50th Birthday on Sunday so we had Boston cream pie with a 50 candle. We decorated with streamers. It was fun to hang out.
Tuesday was Baby P's first appointment. The ultrasound was cool. Looks like Baby P's due date is May 6th. Everything looks good. Later in the day we brought MaTaunte Andrea to try on her bridesmaid dress. I'm excited that the wedding is in Nov so I get to see her again soon. It was so fun to play with her, she read me books, snuggled with me and was a really fun roommate.
On Wednesday Mom and MaTaunte made fondue...they were really excited. They wanted to go to the Melting Pot, however it only is open for dinner. They didn't think to check before to see. so they had to make due. I think they really loved it. It was sad to see her go, but I know she'll be back so soon.

I love you Ma Taunte!!


Monday, September 17, 2007

I feed myself!!

Wow, can you believe it. I can feed myself...yogurt at least. Check it out in my latest video. I'll also explain how it all came about in baby German as part 2 of the video.

I'm recovering very well. I'm eating and sleeping very well. Thanks for all your concern.

It was great to see Grammy and Memere this weekend.

Now everyone knows who needs to know, and so for the record I'm going to be a big Brother the end of April. Sweet huh?

Well I guess that's about it.
Over and Out!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

I'm back home!

I had my surgery on Friday. Everything went as planned, surgery went well. I spent the night at the hospital last night and was discharged today. It's really nice to be home. I'm sleeping in my own bed. I'll be laying low for a while, just mom and I staying home and hanging out for a week at least.
Maybe we'll have a photo or video session or something.

Thanks for the pooch Memere, the box was at home when I got home. It must have come on Friday. Cute card.

I love you all!


Thursday, September 6, 2007

Labor Day Weekend!

What a BBQ filled fun long weekend.

Mom and Dad had a friends BBQ on Saturday. I got to hang out with 2 of my dog friends: Jett and Kona. Good times.
Sunday we went to VT to (mom's) Mon Oncle Francis for a Campbell BBQ. It was great to see everyone. Last time was Easter. I got to hang out with mom's cousin Noah who is almost 2. We spent the night at Grampies. Grampie and Nona gave me a tricycle for my birthday. I loved to play in the box it came in. I will be a master tricyclist soon. On Monday we went to Great Grammies for a Lafont BBQ. It was great to have some family fun. I got to hang out with Mia again. We walked all over the place together. She's 2 months older than me. I guess not much to report, nothing too crazy happened.

There will be a few photo's to upload from the fun.
I went to play at Caroline Cole's on Wednesday. It was so fun to see her again. We had a fun lunch date. You can see by the one photo that Caroline is not psyked that I wanted to climb into her lap.

Monday, August 27, 2007

My Trip to Pittsburgh: Steel City USA

Wow, what a busy weekend. But it was a great trip to Pittsburgh for Brian & Melinda Johnson's wedding.

We got to Logan Airport in plenty of time to find that the first Economy parking lot was full, to be re-routed to the next one, take the shuttle to the terminal to get to the plane on time. My first plane ride was fun. I sat in Dad's lap, and read books, played with my toys. Once at PIT, it took a while for the bags, so I played around on the suitcase carts and made lots of friends. Then Dad's buddies gave me all kinds of stickers to play with that they took off their suitcases. That kept me busy for a while. Then all of us went to find a place to eat dinner. Boy was it hot in PIT, good thing I brought lot's of muscle shirts. After dinner Mom and I went back to the room to catch some zzzzz's.
The next day we eat a hearty continental breakfast, and Mom and I went for a dip in the pool. They had 2 inflatable pool balls and I brought one of my own bath toys. Boy did we have a blast. Then after pooping me out it was time to go back to the room for a nap.
After our nap the three of us went for lunch. We went to this sweet bar called Fat Heads..I enjoyed their chicken fingers. The honey mustard sauce was the perfect zippyness. Then back to the room to get ready for the wedding.
There was a shuttle to the wedding. It was really neat, we all sat at our tables and the ceremony was in the same room. During the ceremony I enjoyed climbing the stairs in the back, but sat in my seat for the 'kiss the bride'. I enjoyed scoping out the room, the cookie table, the stairs and especially the dance floor. I have some pretty sweet moves. I got a glow stick during the evening that was really neat...however it exploded on my face and shirt later, so mom took it away. Check out Dad's wedding photos.
Then back to the hotel to sleep. The last day we had breakfast, and played in the room until we had to take the shuttle back to the airport and home. What a busy but good trip.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

One Year Check-up

Today I had my one year check-up. I'm 24lbs 5oz and that's in the 75th percentile, and 31inches long also in the 75th percentile. I had two shots today that I was so brave about, and a finger prick for lead testing...they had to prick my little fingers twice to get enough blood out. I think that was worse than the shots.

Not much else to report!
Time to nap!


Thursday, August 9, 2007

I'm 1 year old!!

Can you believe it, I'm one year old. I had a great birthday week so far. Tuesday Memere and Papa King came over. I got a sweet sand box and will see me mastering the donut technique in my video. I had a sweet birthday party on Wednesday with my meet-up group friends. There were 8 moms with babies at our was sweet. I had ice cream cake with mom and dad to celebrate the big day.
Taunte Diddea sent me a sweet truck and some savory clothes. I think I will wear them tomorrow. Check out my new truck in my video too.

On Saturday we went to Mashomoquet state park in CT for some more family fun. It was a great time, we played by the river, ate yummy food, had cake and swam in the pond. Good times!

Thanks everyone for making my Birthday so special!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Weekend at Memere's

This weekend we went to Memere's.

We drove up Friday night. I had fun scoping it out when we arrived.

Saturday was a nice day, we walked to see the Lamas and the neighbors dog. I got to eat fresh picked black raspberries. I couldn't get enough. But Memere loved to feed them to me. We swum in the pool. On Sunday we took a walk in the woods, had a snack outside on the blanket, played some sports. It was a great just hanging out weekend. I'm walking all over the place these days. Memere calls me 'video Adley' since I am quite the video clip man.

Not too much to report. There are a few photo's but none of Memere or Papa King.

(I have another tooth, we're up to 3 on top and 3 on bottom.)

Monday, July 9, 2007

I'm Walking

I'm a walking baby!!! If you don't believe me check out my video!!!

Friday, July 6, 2007

4th of July Week!

Boy did I have a fun 4th of July week. See Dad's sweet photos.

We went up to Pottersville NY where Aunt Liz and Uncle Ben live. It's on Schroon Lake, very beautiful.
We went up Monday and chilled out Monday evening.
Tuesday we climbed Mt. Severance. It's a 1.2 mile hike up 800 ft. It was a piece of cake in the baby back pack. We had some fun snacks at the summit. After a nap we went to a tree preserve where there were 350 yr old spruces. The biggest was called Grandmother Tree. She was HUGE. Then we BBQ'ed. and called it a day.
Wednesday we went to Fort Ticonderoga. I loved the music show. And the history of course. The gardens there were great. Then we BBQ'ed again...I love it. It started pouring so we didn't do anything 4th of Julyish. We stayed in and took out Chinese Food....Yum Yum.
Thursday we visited Aunt Liz on the Word of Life's a very special Island. I took my first ferry ride over to check it out. Over 400 kids go to camp there for the week. Pretty sweet spot. We had lunch over there. Then we went to Shroon Manor...a State park with 'Manor' ruins and a sweet beach and picnic area for swimming. Mom and I swam for a while than we just played on the blanket. Back to the place for a nap. Then we took out some food and ate in a park. Then back to the very special island for a boat ride. Uncle Ben took us out on the Lake. Boy was that fun. I made some pretty sweet faces and was the bomb. Then some ice cream and back home.
Friday we headed out early to come home. It was a great weekend.

I have another tooth with another one just under the skin. That's 4 for those of you who are not keeping track. :)

Love you All!!!!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Wedding Weekend

This weekend we went to Lake George NY for Christine & John's wedding. It was a glorious weekend on the 'Top O' the World' golf resort.
They got married on the 10th hole Tee overlooking mountains and a huge lake. Dad took some nice photo's.
We drove up Saturday morning, we stayed at 'the cottage' with my girlfriend Amanda, Vicki and the sisters of the bride & groom. We enjoyed a wonderful ceremony at 4:30 that afternoon. Dad took me for a drive/nap/snack after the ceremony because I wasn't going to make it to the dance floor if he didn't. I returned just in time for dinner. My chicken tender was awesome, I let everyone else at the table eat my fries and the rest of the tenders. I busted out my moves on the dance floor and enjoyed some tasty cake.
The next morning we met everyone staying for the wedding for breakfast. Christine and John got a Wii and she said I could come over for Wii games because I'm a wee boy.
Then we came home. It was really fun, everyone loves me. I slap the table, I do some sweet double blinks and I smile a lot.

In other fun news Today I got a new tooth!!!! This one's on top. My 3rd tooth!

Pretty exciting. Time to return to playing!

Friday, June 15, 2007

You will not believe it!!

I've got this sweet toy that allows me to walk all over. Check me out in my video. Mom was almost crying watching me get around...

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I stand all by myself!!

Hot off the presses, I decided yesterday to stand all by myself for long periods of time as much as possible. Mom was so excited so I just kept doing it. Mom is putting a video together to commemorate all this fun while I go and take a nap.

Monday, June 11, 2007

What's up with me!

Boy it's been a while. I guess nothing major has been going on. I pull myself onto everything and walk around holding things. I walk around when Mom & Dad hold my hands.

No new teeth yet, but I do wake up pretty sad sometimes and I chew on 'everything'. Especially old cheerios or anything on the kitchen floor that mom hasn't swept yet. I love watermelon. Especially to hold it myself.

Last weekend Memere and Papa King came over on Saturday for the day. It was a nice day. We took a walk by the river and played inside. It was great to see them.

Maybe it's time for a new video, I'm on it.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend Fun!

Boy did I have a blast this weekend!

It started of Friday with one of my friends Makenzie's First birthday, complete with sweet birthday hats. (Check out mom's album for those.) Then off to Leah's pool because Friday was a scorcher. I love to eat apples...especially bobbing for apples in the pool (again, you'll have to check out the photos that go along with these comments.)
Then Saturday I got to meet my friend Colin from Indiana. It was great to meet him. We played in the pool. (I love pools can you tell??)
Then Sunday we went to Church, then went to my Uncle Dan's. I got to play with my cousin Jayden, Grammy & Grandpa. Then we went to Dad's Uncle Bill's for an extended family BBQ. There was a 140 lb rottweiler that got me so excited. I was almost hyperventilating and flapping my arms like crazy whenever he would walk by.
Sunday we went to the College friends BBQ. There were 2 little dogs there, Kona & Jett. I like them ok, but they are little and get in my face so I push them away. But from a distance I do like those two. I got to play with Colin some more.
It was an excitement filled weekend! Time to get back into my nap schedule. I'm taking a nice one this afternoon.

Friday, May 18, 2007

One More Tooth!

I have my second bottom tooth in, and lately I'm a serious drooler and a bit of a crankster. I bet I've got some top fronts coming in or something.

I swung on a swing for the first time this week. At first I was smiling big because mom was, but I did feel like I might cry. But after a few swings I was pretty pumped about the whole thing.

Today Mom and I went to visit Great Grampy at the Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical center today. He had lung surgery on Monday and was released home today. Everyone is excited to be done with the hospital. But it was great to see Great Aunt Elaine & Uncle Mark and Great Grammy! I made tons of people smile at the hospital today! Great Grampy had a pretty sweet Houston hat and a very fun 'toy' he blew into and yellow pieces in it moved. I was mesmerized whenever he would blow it!!

That's it for this week!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

9 month Dr. visit

Today was my 9 month 'well' visit. I'm 29 inches long and 24 lbs. 11oz. That keeps me at the 90th percentile for weight and the 75th for height. No shots today so I'm very excited about that. I'm as healthy as can be.

Today I'm going to Dad's work for lunch. That will be so fun.

And we've got a blow up pool that mom and I will be swimming in later just has to blow it up and fill it. So the pool will be open if anyone wants to come for a swim. It's a whopin' 60 diameter pool. So lots of room for everyone; well lots of my sized friends at least.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Ma Taunte Andrea

It was such a great time with Ma Taunte. Here's some of the fun stuff we did.

On Thursday the 3rd we did a little shopping, and went to my friend Jake's 1st Birthday party. I had watermelon, cantaloupe and strawberries for appetizers. Then we had pizza and a Curious George themed birthday cake. A good time was had by all.
We went up to see Memere and Papa King. I hung out with Papa King while the ladies went to the DMV for Ma Taunte to get her photo license. They were back in no time flat, so we took a stroll in the woods. It was quite windy but I was bundled in Memere's sweet mint green socks over my orange pants. I'm quite stylish.
We had Chinese food for first time with that...but only had rice, broccoli and crab rangoons. I put on quite a show for dinner. Mom forgot my sippy cup, so I was drinking from a big cup....everyone laughed when I tipped the cup back really far so it spilled all over me. I kept doing it as hard as mom tried to hold me back. I was into the tub I went. I was pooped after that so Ma Taunte read me the 'bear hunt' book. It's a sweet story. I woke up at 3am for an hour chatting session with Memere and Mom. Memere was trying to tell me that everyone was sleeping, even the skunks and cantaloupe, but I wanted to be sure there were no skunks for when Papa King woke up.
The next morning we played, had a nice breakfast...and I HAVE MY FIRST TOOTH!!! (5-4) We strolled around outside a bit. While waiting for lunch, I was pooking around the kitchen and happened upon Papa King's lunch pail. I was checking it out and what do you know, I discovered some sweet cookies. I enjoyed part of one...there were 5 in there but I don't know what happened to the rest. had some lunch and had to head back home, but not before taking a sweet group photo shoot outside on the pic-nic table.
Friday evening back at home the 4 of us hung out a while then I was sooooo pooped I had to go to bed.
Saturday morning Mom and Ma Taunte went to a Mary Kay event to get beautiful..well they already are. That afternoon we took a stroll in the State forest. We took out the jogging stroller because it has good shocks for not so even paths. I love the bumps. Back home for a nap and watching some baseball. Played with Ma Taunte...showed her all my cool toys. I love the new toys she brought up. They will be great for a sand pit. Memere and Papa king have got that hooked up so this summer I'm excited to play in it.
I had dinner and a bath, boy do I love to splash around in the big tub. I showed Ma Taunte all my fun bath things. After that Ma Taunte read me a couple books and I was beat. I went to bed.
About 4:30 AM I wished her safe travels from my crib for a few minutes then went back to bed. I knew I wouldn't be up at 5:30 AM when her alarm was going off.

What a great visit!!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Hello Friends

Guess what? My mom and dad got a camera that takes video longer than 6 seconds. We tested it out today me playing with my duck. Check it out. As you will see by the video...I've got Da Da down.

What I'm up to, I roll around like a champ and I pull myself up all over the place. I'm very mobile these days....I like to keep mom on her toes. What else does she have to do but update my blog?

I'm super excited Ma Taunte Andrea is coming to see me, she will arrive in Boston this evening. We're going to have so much fun. I can't wait to update you on all the going's on.

OK nap time!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

What I'm up to these days!

Boy it's been a busy week. Here are all the cool new things I'm doing.

First off, last Thursday I picked up peaches with my fists, and started feeding myself. I realized that I've got to squeeze the peaches, and all food, just enough so it pops out between my thumb and first finger, but not too much that it breaks off. Also piling all the goodies makes it easy for me to get in there and fist grab. I'm getting really good at that.

Second I was in my crib for a nap, and not very excited about it I'll tell you. Then I figured out I can roll over onto my stomach and from there I'm very good at sitting up. I wanted to be sure mom could see me doing this great thing, so I started banging my teething ring on the crib. wouldn't you know she came up pretty fast. She expected to still see me on my back. The best part is she still doesn't know how I do it. Pretty sneaky. And to add to it, I did it multiple times to avoid my afternoon nap...worked fine till I had a major meltdown. Check me out in action on the video!!

Third, I'm pulling myself up. How exciting. I don't do it a lot but had my first taste of it yesterday. I keep trying to do it on everything I see. Things are getting pretty exciting.

Hope to see you all soon!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I Can Crawl!!

So today I figured out how to reach things out of my immediate arm span; I discovered crawling. It's the best thing. Let me tell you how it happened. There was this crocodile xylophone toy that I wanted really bad, and my girlfriend Leah was playing with it. So I got on all fours and rocked a bit, but I really wanted to get it. Everything started to come together and I was able to make some ground. And success!! I was closer to the toy and my girlfriend. I've since done it a few times. It's still a bit awkward but mom praises me every step so I must be doing it right. I'm sure there will be a video clip to commemorate this wondrous occasion.

Just wanted you all to know!!

Now there's a video, check it out!!

Monday, April 16, 2007

This is my Blog

I'm sure none of you are surprised that I have a blog, and many of you are probably wondering why it took me so long to start one. I mean really, I've had a web page since I was born. Well I created this Blog so when you miss me you can come here and click the links for my photo's and video's. This way you won't have to search through old e-mail for all that stuff. Just save my blog in your favorites.

I'll keep you all up to speed on what I'm doing these days, my favorite things and any other fun tid-bits.

Well it's time for my morning nap, so I'll leave you to it.

Until next time!!