Monday, December 3, 2007

Thanksgiving weekend

What a great weekend, I have so much to be thankful for.

On Thanksgiving we went to Uncle Dan's for a wonderful feast. It was very yummy. Jayden and I ate almost all of the grapes at the party. We're both big fans...I might be a bit more than him.
Friday and Saturday we spend up in Vermont at Memere's and Papa Kings. I had my first sledding ever. At first I didn't know what to think, but after a few runs I couldn't get enough. Check out the sweet photos from my adventure.
Sunday we went to see the three Theis. It was very nice to meet Isabel. She is so small, only 4 wks old. She did have some sweet toys to play with, I'll be back to squeeze the glow worm a few more times.
Fun Times

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