Wednesday, November 7, 2007

My Halloween!!

Hello Everyone,,

I had a great Halloween. The Friday before Halloween, we had a party with all my meet-up group friends. There are some pictures in this album and finally some more in this one. It was a fun time. Saturday night Christine and John had a big kids party, so we went and left early, but had lots of fun. They have a new dog named Milo, I liked him a lot, but at first he just wanted to jump on me. Halloween day Mom and I went to two malls. The first on was for her Mary Kay, I was dressed as Tom Brady. I got some M&M's at Tristin....I love them, and I got a plaid stuffed dog at Victoria's Secret...what can I say the ladies love me. That afternoon there was a trick or treat at the mall near our house. we went there, and I ate way to much candy, but it was fun. I was a bit wired when Dad got home, and had a hard time going to sleep. I don't know mom & dad have really cut down on my candy fun.

I was an Elephant for Halloween. It was fun!!


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