Thursday, September 6, 2007

Labor Day Weekend!

What a BBQ filled fun long weekend.

Mom and Dad had a friends BBQ on Saturday. I got to hang out with 2 of my dog friends: Jett and Kona. Good times.
Sunday we went to VT to (mom's) Mon Oncle Francis for a Campbell BBQ. It was great to see everyone. Last time was Easter. I got to hang out with mom's cousin Noah who is almost 2. We spent the night at Grampies. Grampie and Nona gave me a tricycle for my birthday. I loved to play in the box it came in. I will be a master tricyclist soon. On Monday we went to Great Grammies for a Lafont BBQ. It was great to have some family fun. I got to hang out with Mia again. We walked all over the place together. She's 2 months older than me. I guess not much to report, nothing too crazy happened.

There will be a few photo's to upload from the fun.
I went to play at Caroline Cole's on Wednesday. It was so fun to see her again. We had a fun lunch date. You can see by the one photo that Caroline is not psyked that I wanted to climb into her lap.

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