Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Weekend at Memere's

This weekend we went to Memere's.

We drove up Friday night. I had fun scoping it out when we arrived.

Saturday was a nice day, we walked to see the Lamas and the neighbors dog. I got to eat fresh picked black raspberries. I couldn't get enough. But Memere loved to feed them to me. We swum in the pool. On Sunday we took a walk in the woods, had a snack outside on the blanket, played some sports. It was a great just hanging out weekend. I'm walking all over the place these days. Memere calls me 'video Adley' since I am quite the video clip man.

Not too much to report. There are a few photo's but none of Memere or Papa King.

(I have another tooth, we're up to 3 on top and 3 on bottom.)

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