Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

We wish you all a safe and Happy New Years!!

We enjoyed playing in the falling snow today! And we munched Ribs for dinner...mmm meat on the bone. We've had a fabulous year and can't wait to see what 2010 has in store.

Love you all!
Adley & Nathanael

Monday, December 28, 2009

A Very Merry Christmas!!

We had a very Merry Christmas, and it lasted 5 days. We're the luckiest boys ever. It was an extensive New England trip covering 4 states!! Here is where our fun photo's will go for the month of Dec.

We enjoyed Christmas Eve with Grandma and Grandpa Philips and the whole family. We love to play with our cousins Jayden & Owen. We got so many great things, we were looking very spiffy during our Christmas festivities in many of the new Christmas outfits. The Transformers were a big hit and the swords..all 4 of them for some splendid family bonding. Nathanael LOVES his art supplies and Adley is excited for game night.
Christmas morning back at our place was so fun. Adley opened his first present which was a puzzle and had to do the puzzle before opening more. He got a soccer ball and a buble bee transformer. Nathanael got a music toys bucket which was a fun loud time, with tamborine & kazoo and harmonica and some shaky things. He got an animal puzzle book and a shake n go car.....vroom vroom. Then we did our presents from Ma Taunte Andrea via speaker phone...Nathanael and Adley got some sweet additions to the Art studio and some sweet books and puzzles.
then off to Memere's and Pa Pa Kings for more Christmas fun. The boys got flashlights which have been a super big hit the whole weekend. We had a sleepover here and opened our presents in the morning and had a great Pajama's all day kind of day. We got a music toy player and Adley got some Curious George Puzzle....he's such a puzzler.
Then off to Grampies & Nana's. We had a fun sleepover and the next day opened more presents. If you can beleive it we had presents every day for 4 days. Grampie got us some sweet big workin' trucks, books and in our stockings some yummie candy canes and sweets. Then we had our family Christmas at Great Grandma's. It's fun to play with our 2nd cousins, Mia's our age and we had fun playing with our toys. Nathanael really enjoys his Train and Aldey likes his sweet big rig. One more sleepover and we enjoyed lunch with Great Memere and Great Pepere. It was great to see everyone and thank you all for the wonderful presents!!!

Adley & Nathanael

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Anyone want to invite us over for New Years?

Because we look hot!!

We've got sweet suits and a fun tree, that we want to touch A LOT. But we've only broken 2 balls, not bad huh? and only on the first day. We love all the lights in the house. and the Christmas specials, we've seen Charlie Brown Christmas & Shrek & Curious George!! Good Times!!

We cut down our tree on Sunday after Church, there was snow on the trees and everything was very pretty.

We had a super snow storm today and we went sledding a bit out front.

Mom will have to take the pics off the camera for your viewing pleasure.

Love you guys!

Nathanael & Adley

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Our first Gingerbread Shack!!

A lot of candy eating went into the making of this, our first gingerbread shack. And really mom was the decorator and we were the eaters. Not surprising to you I'd imagine.

We got to decorate the house full of Christmas this Tuesday, and mom was super impressed nothing was broken with all our help. And Adley had a section of streamers and had them strung up over all the kitchen cabinet handles, and zig zagged accross the upper steps handrail & banisters. Needless to say these both had to be taken down, but he was pretty pumped when we put a string of colored lights in the boys room.

Have a very merry Christmas Holiday season!!!

Adley & Nathanael

Monday, November 30, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend! PHOTOS

We went to Uncle Dan's for Thanksgiving day and had a super time with our cousins Jayden and Owen. We ate tons of food and had a blast.
On Friday we went up to Memere & PaPa Kings for a sleepover. A fun time was had by all.

Tomorrow is Dec 1st, that's when mom says we can put up Christmas we should be busy then.

And we've already watched Muppet's Christmas Carol, and Curious George Christmas. We're so ready for the Christmas season!!

Adley & Nathanael

Friday, November 20, 2009

Gobble Gobble!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving.
We're ready at the Philips' household and we're thankful for all our wonderful friends & family.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat!!

Happy Halloween!!

We had a sweet night trick or treating with our friends. Alex lead the way (the musketeer) allowing Adley to ring the door bell a hand full of times, and always telling him to go faster to the next house. Nathanael and Kaycie wanted candy all the time, and really couldn't understand why it had to go in their baskets and not in thier mouths. Nathanael was a bit more insistant on this one.
After coming home Adleys candy basket was very very heavy....he must be a master trick or treater....

Love you All!!

Bumble Bee Transformer & Elephant!!

Friday, October 30, 2009

My18 month Check-up!!

So much for having the percentiles today. I made sure to be especially cranky at the Dr's today, even just being weighed....I was a huge crank. To be fair I didn't sleep great last night, my eye teeth are making my gums swollen. Adley also had a chance to get his flu shot too, so there were lots of shots to be had. Mom is a bit fried right now, she came home and made coffee and is veging out on the couch with us.

But here are my stats.
34 1/2 inches long, 27 lbs 3oz. (Adley was 27 lbs 7 oz and 34 inches.) So I'm holding out a little bit taller and he's holding out a little bit heavier...

(At least one of my stats was 75th percentile. :) )

NEW VIDEO!!! And some new pic's in our album.

Love you guys!

Time to watch sesame street!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

What's up with us!!

We've not had much time for a lengthy update, so a rainy Friday afternoon is a perfect time. Here's a new video.

Adley is officially wearing 4T clothes...getting so big, and size 10 shoes fit loosely. When he's excited about something, he'll tell you all about it. I love when Dave gets home and Adley talks his ear off about something as simple as the huge lawn inflatalbe display at BJ's on check out. He tells Dad all about the Scary train, and the skeleton pirate boat....Dad got every detail a few times...just for emphasis. Adley is big into maps, and the new show on PBS Dinosaur Train.

Nathanael is wearing 2T shirts and 18m pants and size 6 shoes (he has wide feet.) He's enjoying coloring a lot more now (actually coloring not just eating the markers, colored pencils, crayons and sidewalk chalk and sucking the paint of his watercolor brush.) Mom likes colored pencils the best. he LOVES animals. He says 'ball' now, and I think 'BaBa' is brother. He is FAST and loves to run around with brother, pretty much wants to do everything brother does, and copies a lot. He loves to flip through books.

We went to the Mall today and rode the train! Fun Fun,
Time for naps for both of us!!

The Boys!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fall Fun

And photo's to go with it.

We went apple picking this Sunday, and Dad is going to have some sweet pics up from that.

We went to the apple farm again today and petted the goats and played in the pumpkins, and Adley drove the tractor and we played on the hay bale maze. It was a sweet time!!

We'll keep you posted!!

Adley and Nathanael

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Soccar Star

So I'm doing a cool soccer league this fall for 6 weeks. Check out some sweet pics!

We also went for a hike in the woods this weekend too, it was really fun. Both Nathanael and I really enjoy the woods.

Love you guys!


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Beautiful Day

Today we went for a little hike in the Lowell State Forest. Mom took tons of pictures, but she wasn't psyked about any of them, but she did really like this video and I think you will too. We do this mile loop and we had a blast. Checking out all the cool mushrooms and lots of acorns. They were falling all around us. The birds were making a lot of noise today, it was kind of like we were in the jungle.


The Boys!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

We LOVE the beach!!

We went to Mirror Lake today in Devons, (right near mom & dad's stomping ground before they moved to Lowell, also the same park where Dad proposed to mom so she said she was enjoying reminiscing.)

So today at the beach we had a blast.
Adley holds his breath and walks underwater under the buoys (he learned it from his friends who swim under the buoys. ) Mom will need to buy this boy some swim goggles now...

Nathanael thinks he can swim too. He sits in the water up to his neck, and he loves to plunge forward and works hard to keep his head up. (He does a good job, it's crazy.) He walks very well in the water now, and pretty fast. He wants to be deep like his brother (of course.)

So that's our fish report. We Love the water.

And Adley's latest fascination is Transformers. He was looking through the Halloween cosutme catologs and he saw the transformer ones (which don't come in small 4T size, mom checked) so all he talks about is Transformers. Now when we are driving he tells mom which trucks are transformers. He's never seen the movie or the cartoons, but maybe that's something mom should look into.

Adley might be Spider Man for Halloween, but that's not a sure thing.

Love you guys!
Adley & Nathanael

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

New Video!!

Look how much fun we have together!!

The Boys!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Our Dr's visits

So today we went to the Dr, Adley for his 3 year and Nathanael for his 15 month.

So Adley is 39 inches long in the 85 percentile and 35.2 lbs in the 80th percentile. The fun little height predictor on still has Adley being 6 ft 1 inch at 18. Adley is in top form, everything checks out.

So Nathanel was 33 inches long in the 90th percentile (Adley was 32 1/2) and 25 lbs 13oz in the 65th percentile (Adley was 26lbs 6oz). Poor Nathanael has an ear infection (mom had no idea....he did have a bit of a cold.) Nathanel got 3 shots. OUCH!

Then both boys had to go get a finger prick and neither of them made a sound they were so fascinated by the blood filling the tube, they are champs. Nathanael needed another one because he was slightly anemic last time, and Adley was routine. (Also poor Adley when he turns 4 will need 4 shots.....)

The boys were sooooo good so we went to McDonalds for lunch and they both had Happy Meals (and they ate the whole just helped a little with some fries....They were hungry from such a busy morning.)

Time for a snooze, so we can rock out the rest of the day!

The Philips Boys!

Birthday Weekend

I had a fabulous Birthday weekend, (and the fun isn't even all done yet.) I went to the park with my friends in the morning and had a blast. That night I had cake with mom and dad. On Saturday I went to another park to play with Grandma and cousin Jayden. There's lots of pictures to add, but here are a few photo's for you guys.

Thanks for all the Birthday wishes.


Monday, August 3, 2009

Vacation Bible School

Oh what a week, I had a blast in the frog group. Most of my friends from church were in my group too, and my Sunday school teacher was in charge. It was a little hard leaving mom on the first day, but once she was out of site I was having a blast. I made all kinds of artsy things that I explained to mom and dad when I got home. Talking about all the cool letters I glued to my fish. I even sang in front of everyone at church Sunday morning. Well really I was looking around checking out my friends. But at home I shake one fist in the air and sing "Son Rock Kids Camp!" I'm already asking to do it again. This year was a camp theme, next year is Rain fun.

Can you believe I'm going to be 3 this Friday! Mom asked me what kind of cake I want, and I had a few choices but I picked Thomas Train...good luck with that cake mom. Maybe she won't go 3-D on it...that would be crazy.

There are just a few new photos from our latest Beach adventure. There were lots of rocks for climbing and my buddies are climbing, chatting with me there.

OK over and out!


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Boys

Nathanael: Just cut his 4 molars all at once. So after the 4th of July until mid last week the poor boy has been waking up once or twice a night. So thankfully for mommy too, he's back to sleeping soundly. He doesn't mess around when it comes to teeth. He loves to look for his brother, he wants to do everything he does. He copies his motions too. If Adley makes a crazy face, he'll try to do it too. He gives the best totally open mouth kisses, and hugs his stuffed animals sooo tight he's a love bug. He enjoys flipping through his books, and knocking down whatever brother builds. He loves to put things in things still. So fun.

Adley: Is getting so big. He LOVES to jump on tramolines or off anything. He's a potty training champ. He's a good reader of some of his fav books. He's going to his first vacation bible school in a couple weeks. He'll be 3 in Aug....crazy. If you're looking to buy him something he will soon to be in size 4 shirts, and probably 4 pants, he's wearing 9 shoes but is alright for shoes right now. Maybe some cool dress up items like helmets, swords, shields, capes...He likes search a word and is getting into super easy mazes. He loves bubbles and balls, maybe an indoor basket ball hop for his room.

So enjoy the new photos coming up soon!
The boys!

Also the new video's will be listed where you see the photo's in an album called Web Video's

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Our Vacation!

Our Trip to Schroon Lake NY!!

We left in our car late on the 30th, and arrived at Uncle Ben’s and Auntie Bee’s in time to go to bed. Day 1 We were close enough to the town center at their house that we biked to the park and the beach. We did the park in the morning and the beach in the afternoon. These little boys are fishes. Day 2 was an early morning, up at 6am, we were dressed and at the park by 8am. Grandma arrived that morning, it got a bit drizzly out but we went for a hike up Severance Mountain, 1.2 miles and a sweet view. Adley hiked up half of it, he’s a trouper. Daddy held him the rest of the way. Day 3 we went to the Caves, There was a huge cave and some little ones to explore. That afternoon we hung out at the house and played. That evening we cooked smores in the fire pit out back. Adley loved to cook them but was not as excited to eat them. Especially when they were all black. Nathanael had marshmallow all over his face, and got upset when it was sticking his shirt to his chin. Day 4 was the 4th of July, we went to the park in the morning, then home for a bit. That afternoon we had the church chicken lunch in the park and Adley bounced all afternoon on the 4 bounce toys they had set up. There was a band we could hear in the distance. The parade at 6pm Adley collected lots of candy – there was a lot thrown, he was psyked. Then home to have a junk food dinner and out on the boat to watch the fireworks on the lake. A late night for the boys. Day 5 We went to church in the morning, what a nice service, the boys loved playing in nursery. Then to Pitkins for lunch. Yum! The Warren County Bike Path in Lake George. What a nice ride, we did 5 miles and stopped for some fun photos with the largest Uncle Sam. There were even stops with important battles that happened near the path. After the ride we went to millionaire beach. The boys swam and played in the sand. For dinner we had pizza at the house and after went for ice cream at Stewarts. YUM. Then Adley found a friend to run around with in the park. Day 6 we did the park in the AM, then to Fort William Henry in the afternoon. The boys got to dress up as red coats, and there was cannon fire and rifle fire. Adley got in the stocks and wanted to know where the hole for his head was. That night we got to play fun games on the table. Day 7 We packed up a bit, and hung out at the house because it was rainy, we tried to decide what to do for the day, but the sun came out just after lunch so we biked to the park and swam at the beach. Then the thunder clouds rolled in and we booked it home. We drove down to the Delaney’s and had a fun supper with them and the kids had tons of fun. What a fun vacation.

Friday, June 19, 2009

5 days going strong

So I'm peeing and (pooping sometimes) in the potty....and 5 days going strong...The three of us have been sick most of the week, so it's been a good week for being home and practicing.

This dreary week we've read a lot of books, colored in my coloring and activity books (I'm enjoying hidden puzzle games and mazes, but the Mazes I make up the's more fun,) played games (we played payday today one of my favs because there is so many cards and lots of cash, and mom keeps it lively with money and cards and dice flying everywhere.)

Nathanael is a snuggle bug with mom when he's sick and that's my spot, so there's a little bit of rivalry this week.

Nathanael has started to build with the blocks as well, so he's not entirely a distructor, unless I've got something big/cool built.

Well that's it from me on this wonderful Friday!


Monday, June 15, 2009

Just a little update!

Nathanael, he's got 3 molars that are moving...poor guy. He loves to jibber jabber, and he's always looking for where is brother is. Adley will 'hide' behind his tool bench, and Nathanael will go over and 'find' him. They chase eachother around. Adley runs in slow motion behind him to 'chase' him. So cute. Nathanael loves to flip through books, especially the touchy feely ones, knock down any buildings Adley is building and he wants to be a shape sorter so frustrates him a bit...when the silly circle won't go in the square hole. He loves his milk and eating anything.

Adley, actually likes the plethora of underwear I bought, and has been peeing in the potty all morning, I'm glad he's willing to try some more. He loves to read, he wants to know what the words say. He reads books to his brother, they are soo funny. He's a big monkey on the playground and can climb just about anything. Adley's favorite color for clothes is RED, he asks for one of this 2 red tee-shirts every day, and he only has one red tank...but it has a couple blue strips in it which makes him not like it as much as the tee's. He also enjoys the one pair of red underwear he has...I'll have to do laundry more often so he has the choice of red underwear more often to keep the 'fun' alive. The book Daniel and the Lions, we asked Adley what it's about and he'll either say God or Jesus. He's so cute, sometimes we praying at night for what he's thankful for, He usually says the names of his friends, most often cousin Jayden.

Well that's what we're up too,
Mom's got some pics on her camera that should come off soon.
We had a blast at Memere's and PaPa Kings this weekend.
We hiked, we biked, we blew out birthday candles, and even swam in the kiddie was brisk, but we don't mind, our sense of feel is mostly dead....

Well that's us,
Love you guys!
Adley & Nathanael

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Mom found a way to host video!!!

Enjoy! 2 new ones for your viewing pleasure!

Time to go outside and play ball, we love the weekend!

Adley & Nathanael

Sunday, May 31, 2009

My first Haircut

Mom gave me my first haircut today, check out my main photo. There are a few new photos for your enjoyment too. I thought I had more to say, but I guess I'm keeping it short. When mom figures out where to put her new videos (she can't upload like she used to) then there will be 2 new videos.

Love you,

Monday, May 18, 2009

Fun Day at the Zoo

We had a fun (chilly) day at the zoo. We loved the goat petting zoo, the deer petting zoo, and there were so many cool animals to see. We've got some cool new photos, also we got a carrier for us so we can bike with mom and dad, and we like it a lot. Which is great because mom says she's excited to take us during the week sometimes.

Also there are some other fun photos in the album! Enjoy!

Adley & Nathanael

Monday, April 27, 2009

Nathanaels 1 year check-up!

Hello Everyone,

I had my check-up today and I was 31 1/2 inches long (in the 85th percentile...I am 1/2 inch longer than Adley was at 1 year,) and 23lbs 4oz (in the 65th percentile....Adley was 1 lb 1oz heaver at this time.)
I had 2 shots and had to have my finger pricked...but it went fast (poor Adley they had to squeeze and squeeze to get the finger prick sample at a year.)

I had a fabulous birthday weekend, what wonderful weather. Brother and I love playing in the river at the park, and playing with our cool cousins. Photo's have been added to the site...check em out!

Love ya,

Friday, April 24, 2009

Birthday Party

I had a sweet Birthday party today with my friends. You'll have to check out the photo's (here's one from the album. Mom made baseball cupcakes..she's pretty pumped about them.)

There's even some party prep let Adley and I frost a cupcake yesterday...yah we ate it!!

Love you all,


Sunday, April 19, 2009

We're Cute

So Adley has a sweet new video today!!

Adley made something fun in Sunday school today, and he told mom that it was Jesus smiling...that took a few sentences to figure out really that's what he meant, but it was soooo cute. Adley is such a big help around the house, that's all he wants to do "I do it" he says, "I help you" a lot too. So sweet.

Nathanael had his baby dedication today at church and doesn't he look suave in his photo. He's walking all over the place, his latest distraction is putting lids on cups, he wants to put things in things.

Adley did have to go to the Dr earlier in the week. He didn't have pnemonia but he was having trouble breathing, it could be alergies, or triggered by them. So he's on the breather medicine again for a while. Hopefully it's nothing and he grows out of it, It could be due to alergies, but the Doctors won't 'rule that in' until he has a few more episodes and they know what the alergen is. So for now he's on the breathers until summer, and we'll asses when the cool weather returns.....and cold season.

But we are loving the warm weather, and love to get out as much as we can.
Happy Spring everyone,

Adley & Nathanael

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Boy we've been MIA for a while, we've just been sooo busy having fun. We went to Memere's last weekend hence the sweet photo. We had a blast.

Check out the new video too!!

In the past few weeks Anna and Adley have had lots of fun playdates, to McDonalds play place, to fun world. They are playing a ton before the boys girlfriends move away.

Adley, Nathanael and mom went to another play gym place. Now Adley the monkey can climb all the way to the top of the 3 story play structures...and they opened the gym room, so Adley climbed in this huge blow up caterpilliar, (which he'll tell you about when you ask him....and he punched his nose,) and jumped on the trampoline, and dove into a huge vat of soft cut up sponges...of course Adley sinks in pretty far when he does it, and has a little bit of trouble getting out, but loved it. Nathanael wants to do all this stuff too, except he had to warm up to the ball pit. I put him in it and he cried, he saw Adley in it he cried, then I got in there with him and he warmed up to it slowly...he still did not want to be sitting in there not near me. He's got an aversion to it.

Adley and mom painted easter eggs (mom did an awesome job not preplaning this so we had brown eggs, and if you'd guess the only colors that stain them are blue and green, but we tried them all. The box says ages 5 and up, and mom was very pleased/surprised it was not more messy. Adley's hands are still a little green. He did the dipping and switching the eggs to different colors.)

Hmmm, what else. Nathanael is walking...and climbing the stairs. Adley has some awesome sayings these days. "That's not possible mama" "Mama I don't know what you talkin' about."

Well I guess that's a tidbit from us.
More to come soon,
Have a glorious Easter weekend!

Adley & Nathanael

Friday, March 20, 2009

New Video

Tonight was game night, check out us playing poker, Nathanael has a sweet poker face...and game altogether.

We've been having lots of fun, Adley rolls down hills, and Nathanael crawls fast down hills almost wiping out to keep up with brother.

Well time for bed,
Adley & Nathanael

Thursday, March 5, 2009

New New New

New photo's new video. (check out the Jan-Feb photo's for some bath splashing fun).

I know you love it!!

The guys

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I can do Laundry

And look what my brother did while I was napping...well he's still doing it, but he started while I was napping today. and I got the dryer started all by myself, so the video shows you what I wanted to dry once I figured it out. Hope this isn't a spoiler...I guess we don't usually spoil these videos.
So video

Love you,

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Indoor Water Park

We went to CoCo Key yesterday, and it was soooooo fun. This is an indoor water park with a pool, a lazy river and a play thing with water slides and all kinds of sprayers...also big kid big tube slides. We went with our friends Anna and Rachel. It was quite an adventure, but mom was glad they went with a group from the church, it's hard to handle 2 boys at a water park for just one mom. :)

But we had a blast, Adley wore a life vest and he was swiming the lenght off the pool by days end. He also went down a small tube water slide, totally covered so it was a dark tube, and he liked it and did it a couple times, and did some of the other open topped ones. He loved the squirts that came up from the ground. Nathanael loved splashing in the pool, and climing up on the water sprayers and splashing around. He was taking it all in and smiling a bunch. By days end Adley was swiming in the pool with the big kids...he looked so cute. Mom was a bit nervous because Nathanael fell asleep on her shoulder when we were just haning out by the steps. Then Adley went swiming in the middle of the pool...with the big kids...he looked so small in there but did sooo good. It was cute. It was very hard to get Adley out of the pool, he had sooooo much fun in there.

We are 2 fishes.

The photo opps were limited since mom was holding Nathanael most of the time, since he can't walk on his own. We think our friends might have a couple photo's we'll post them as soon as we can.
Here's where we went if you want to see it.

Love you guys!

Also mom and our friends mom Janet got to go on the big kids tube ride while the church ladies watched us. They had fun with that.

Adley & Nathanael

Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Valentines day!!

Here's a new video, and some new photos in mom's album.
Some great things, Adley sings Happy Birthday, Nathanael stands all on his own, for a few seconds, Nathanael LOVES cake, and eating in general.

We're having a wonderful long weekend, and can't wait for MaTaunte Andrea to arrive!!!!


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Seriously Brother!

So you don't think I check the blog too? Keep this up and I'll sit on you WAY more and anyway you are one to talk shrunken head.

Now that that's out of the way, I wanted to give you the offical offical diagnosis. My VNA, (aka. traveling nurse) came to check on me today, and my charts said I have bronchiolitis and pneumonia in my right lung. Everythings going well, I'm on the mend. I get to watch a lot more TV which I LOVE, and it's Scobby Doo all day (I love it). I build houses and do puzzles too, but I try to get mom to put on the Scobbs as much as possible.

My nurse will be back on Friday! So I'll keep you posted.


Monday, February 2, 2009

my 9 month check-up!

So today I'm 22 lbs 2 oz in the 60th percentile, and 29 1/2 inches tall. Also my head is catching up with my body, I did have a 20th percentile head circumference at one time, now I'm up to 40th percentile. What good head growth. I'm doing great, eating whole cereal bars my sick brother is leaving around. I squeal a lot and it sometimes sounds like a small dog. I love to dance/bounce to any beats. If you want my chubby brothers 9 month stats: 29 inches long and 24 lbs. 11oz....he was a tank.

If you want the details of my sick brother: he was having a a hard time breathing Saturday afternoon, sucking hard to get a breath and lots of breaths per minute. He went to the ER with Dad after the Dr told them to go. He got a chest x-ray and they kept him over night to keep an eye on him. He hates Dr's and cried a lot even for blood pressure and temp measures. (He's still sour about his stitches experience.) But he came home Saturday afternoon with a diagnosis of pneumonia, and 4 prescriptions. 2 to inhale in his nebulizer and 2 oral ones. He doesn't really like the steam too much but he's getting used to it. It's every 4 hours. We went to the Dr today to get him checked out again, and he has a lot of conjustion in his lungs, so we have to go back in 7 to 10 days to be checked to see if it has cleared.
Adley is 32 lbs now, if you wanted to know how big he is, he won't let anyone measure his that's a mystry. :)

Well time for me to take a snooze while brother hooks up to his Nebuizer for 10 min.

Love you,

Sunday, January 25, 2009

New Video!

Check it out!

We've been busy with lots of fun playdates lately. Since we were sick the week before and didn't do anything, mom went a bit overboard. And we went grocery shopping on Friday, and they didn't have the cart where both Nathanael and I can sit, so I helped mom with groceries, grabbing all kinds of yummy food for me (big blocks of cheese,) and Nathanael (about 11 jars of baby food and baby crackers.) In the fruit isle, I wanted to taste everything....

Well we had a great weekend!

Check us out soon!


Monday, January 19, 2009


I got em' check out my 2 new ones:
I've got 2 on the bottom, and two on top, but not the front too, my right front and the one more right of that one. (If you want the Adley comparison Adley cut his top tooth at 11 months when mom weaned him, I'm bit of a biter I should let up if I want mom to breast feed me more.) Also this picture pretty much sums up how I smile for the camera, whenever it comes out I put on my hammiest of faces. Also I had watermelon for the first time, here's a couple photos.

I'm a busy guy, I crawl back and forth from the kitchen to the living room pretty fast. I also love the bathroom. I pull up on EVERYTHING, I love to be standing, whenever mom puts me in my crib I climb up to standing, so it's hard to put me to sleep unless I'm really tired or mom puts me down in the pack'n'play. There's no way for me to stand up in that.
I love to eat food I feed myself, I don't eat well when it's spoon fed, no fun, no mess.

Adley loves to make puzzles, he got a 48 piece puzzle 2 ft by 3 ft, and he asks mom to make it all the time so he makes it 3 times a dayish. Mom just puts groups of 4 or 5 for him to assemble on his own, and he impresses her with the ones he does all on his own. He's a quality time kid of kid, he loves to have mom on the floor playing anything with him. He also enjoys the Cars paper racetrack that came with the book, he races his cars on it. He also enjoys playing Sorry with mom, a no-rules kind of game, in which Adley ends up with all the pieces at the end on his side of the board.

Well I guess that's what I've got to update!

Adley went sledding with the neighbors this morning while I napped, I never have any fun. Mom did take the 2 of us out sledding last week, I liked it. All 3 of us down the hill together in a sled, and mom pulled Adley up the hill with me in mom's arms. She's strong and a little crazy. :)

Time for lunch!!


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Photo's

Just added to the last album, (see below).
Also I have the hugest ham smile ever,

My brother and I play so good together. I crawl into his big Thomas tent (oh I should have posted that picture) and we laugh and squeal. Of course sometimes brother wants to pick me up or drag me somewhere else but mom is always pretty quick to stop him.

I crawl everywhere, I'm pulling myself up on occasion. I'm psyked to be running around........ mom's not ready for me!!!!


Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Photos & Video

I know it's been a while, here are our Christmas photos and a video, part from our Christmas DVD and Nathanael crawling. Now he crawls like a champ all over the place, but this was his first one. :)


Adley & Nathanael