Wednesday, August 26, 2009

We LOVE the beach!!

We went to Mirror Lake today in Devons, (right near mom & dad's stomping ground before they moved to Lowell, also the same park where Dad proposed to mom so she said she was enjoying reminiscing.)

So today at the beach we had a blast.
Adley holds his breath and walks underwater under the buoys (he learned it from his friends who swim under the buoys. ) Mom will need to buy this boy some swim goggles now...

Nathanael thinks he can swim too. He sits in the water up to his neck, and he loves to plunge forward and works hard to keep his head up. (He does a good job, it's crazy.) He walks very well in the water now, and pretty fast. He wants to be deep like his brother (of course.)

So that's our fish report. We Love the water.

And Adley's latest fascination is Transformers. He was looking through the Halloween cosutme catologs and he saw the transformer ones (which don't come in small 4T size, mom checked) so all he talks about is Transformers. Now when we are driving he tells mom which trucks are transformers. He's never seen the movie or the cartoons, but maybe that's something mom should look into.

Adley might be Spider Man for Halloween, but that's not a sure thing.

Love you guys!
Adley & Nathanael

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