Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Our Dr's visits

So today we went to the Dr, Adley for his 3 year and Nathanael for his 15 month.

So Adley is 39 inches long in the 85 percentile and 35.2 lbs in the 80th percentile. The fun little height predictor on babycenter.com still has Adley being 6 ft 1 inch at 18. Adley is in top form, everything checks out.

So Nathanel was 33 inches long in the 90th percentile (Adley was 32 1/2) and 25 lbs 13oz in the 65th percentile (Adley was 26lbs 6oz). Poor Nathanael has an ear infection (mom had no idea....he did have a bit of a cold.) Nathanel got 3 shots. OUCH!

Then both boys had to go get a finger prick and neither of them made a sound they were so fascinated by the blood filling the tube, they are champs. Nathanael needed another one because he was slightly anemic last time, and Adley was routine. (Also poor Adley when he turns 4 will need 4 shots.....)

The boys were sooooo good so we went to McDonalds for lunch and they both had Happy Meals (and they ate the whole thing...mom just helped a little with some fries....They were hungry from such a busy morning.)

Time for a snooze, so we can rock out the rest of the day!

The Philips Boys!

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