Thursday, December 3, 2009

Our first Gingerbread Shack!!

A lot of candy eating went into the making of this, our first gingerbread shack. And really mom was the decorator and we were the eaters. Not surprising to you I'd imagine.

We got to decorate the house full of Christmas this Tuesday, and mom was super impressed nothing was broken with all our help. And Adley had a section of streamers and had them strung up over all the kitchen cabinet handles, and zig zagged accross the upper steps handrail & banisters. Needless to say these both had to be taken down, but he was pretty pumped when we put a string of colored lights in the boys room.

Have a very merry Christmas Holiday season!!!

Adley & Nathanael

1 comment:

Taunte Didea said...

What a great gingerbread "shack". I love it. I also love the faces you boys are making- it kinda reminds me of your mom and I when we take pictures together (although we've gotten better in our older years and have a few more keepers these days). Seth and I are going to pull down our decorations this weekend and maybe go get our tree once we decide where to put it! I hope you are already singing lots of Christmas carols! Love and Miss you all.