Sunday, April 19, 2009

We're Cute

So Adley has a sweet new video today!!

Adley made something fun in Sunday school today, and he told mom that it was Jesus smiling...that took a few sentences to figure out really that's what he meant, but it was soooo cute. Adley is such a big help around the house, that's all he wants to do "I do it" he says, "I help you" a lot too. So sweet.

Nathanael had his baby dedication today at church and doesn't he look suave in his photo. He's walking all over the place, his latest distraction is putting lids on cups, he wants to put things in things.

Adley did have to go to the Dr earlier in the week. He didn't have pnemonia but he was having trouble breathing, it could be alergies, or triggered by them. So he's on the breather medicine again for a while. Hopefully it's nothing and he grows out of it, It could be due to alergies, but the Doctors won't 'rule that in' until he has a few more episodes and they know what the alergen is. So for now he's on the breathers until summer, and we'll asses when the cool weather returns.....and cold season.

But we are loving the warm weather, and love to get out as much as we can.
Happy Spring everyone,

Adley & Nathanael

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