Thursday, December 30, 2010

Fabulous White Christmas!!!

Boy did we have a wonderful Christmas.
The fun started at Cousin Owen's & Jaydens for some Christmas Eve fun. We always have a blast over there. We got lots of super sweet gifts. Thanks everyone.
Then home for our Christmas Morning at home. We woke up and played with the Nativity toy Mom & Dad set up, then started opening our presents. We like to open and play then open. We got books & puzzles & movies and Adley got a sweet marble game and Nathanael a lego emergency vehicle set. Mom made breakfast before we were even done with the stockings and mom & Dad's presents because she was too hungry. Then we did Christmas with Ma Taunte Andrea over the phone.

That afternoon we drove to Memere & Papa King's. They had BIG snowbanks we wanted to play it, but it was dark out. We opened more presents there. Then Sunday morning to the Hall for Great Memere's Christmas with all of mom's cousins aunts and uncles...yah we need a hall. Then to Grandpies for more holiday fun. and another yummy meal. We ate a lot, espeically the yummy sweet stuff.

On Monday there was a sweet snow storm in Mass, we were expecting to come home to 22 inches at first, then a foot, and once we got home it was about 7 inches. But that's a good deepness for us to play in so it was OK. Also probably deep enough for Dad to shovel. Way to go Dad.

And we are home enjoying all the fun stuff we got, and the snow. Excited to have Dad off from work tomorrow for our New Years Eve celebration, which really just means lots of appetizer food, hopefully ribs...if mom can make it to the store.

We won't be going anywhere today because Nathanael was up last night with a stomach bug (he seems fine today) and Adley hit a tree while sledding yesterday, and has a scraped up chin and super swollen eye, so he looks like a one eye, but again feels fine.

So were ready to start this new year in style...probably with a sweet black eye for Adley.

Love you all,
Many blessings in 2011!!

Adley & Nathanael

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas!!

'8And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. 9And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. 10And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. 11For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. 12And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. 13And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, 14Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace and goodwill towards men.'"

"......That's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown."

Many Blessings this Christmas Season!!

Adley & Nathanael

My School Holiday Party

Today we had our holiday party, and our school sang some carols for our parents. Jingle bells complete w/bells to ring. Then we had a food party in our class room. Nathanael got to enjoy too, he loves to come to my class, and play in my room. Then we came home and decorated the gingerbread train mom got. We ate a lot of yummy candies...but the train still looks good. (a few pics are on the previous post.)

This should be it until our final Christmas post!!

Merry Merry Christmas!!

Adley & Nathanael

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

First Snow!!!

We're very excited. We woke up this morning and mom said there was snow on the ground. So we looked out every window and saw that there was snow on the trees, snow on the firewood, snow on the grass and on the trees. Nathanael said "I want to make a snowman". And Adley said, "I see Dad on his unicycle in the snow". I'm sure you're not surprised, Dad unicycles everywhere, most every weather. Well as you can see (our pics), we didn't get that much snow, but enough for some snow angels, and eating and walking in the snow.

4 Days till Christmas!!!!


Adley & Nathanael

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Owen!!

Boy did we have fun at our cousin Owen's birthday party. It was at the trampoline place, and boy did we bounce. Fun Fun!!!

Monday we went to Dad's work for a holiday party just for the kids. It was very fun, (photo's to follow). We made reindeer candy canes, had ice cream, decorated a gingerbread man, got our faces painted and lots of other cool stuff.

Tonight we took our photo for our Christmas Card....stay your mailbox for that one. :)

Today we went to the play place with our friends, super fun times!!!

We made Christmas cookies, and frosted them.....YUM!!

We talked about all the things we can do when we have snow, the list is long, but it includes snow men, a snow fort and snow angels...just for starters. I guess we're glad there's no snow yet, because we've been so busy with everything Christmas related. Maybe a huge dumping after Christmas...because what is there to do in January and February. :)

Love you all,

Adley & Nathanael

Friday, December 10, 2010

Philips Holiday Art Studio!!

And some sweet holiday photos, of us decorating the tree in our room (well it was bagged it needed a little sprucing up,) & (Memere got a little teary eyed when she saw our splendid tree from when Mom & Ma Taunte Andrea were kids.)
Also photos of getting and triming our fabulous BIG Christmas Tree.

As well as mom's inspired Christmas Art idea from a friend on facebook.

Enjoy Everyone,

We'll try to keep you posted on all our holiday fun!!


Adley & Nathanael

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It's the most wonderful time of the year!!

So we've had a fabulous December so far as we await Christmas.

We decorated our new home end of November, and we even have a tiny tree in our room. It's sweet. Memere got to come down and see the fabulous decorations. Now we have a fireplace & mantle so we have our stockings hung by the chimney with care. We even have one for our new baby brother.
We cut down our tree this Sunday and decorated it Monday night. It's a big fat tree and we love it. Mom had to go to Walmart to buy a huge strand of lights to cover it.

Now we're ready for presents under the tree, and to make and decorate some sugar cookies. We have red & green frosting...just waiting for cookie day.

We are also waiting for some snowflakes because that would really make it Christmas. We had a few flakes fall from the sky on Monday. We even have a sweet hill just our size across the street we can't wait to sled.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year (in advanced.)

Adley & Nathanael

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!!

What a fabulous start to our nice long weekend with Daddy home.

Today at school we had a feast, mom & Nathanael could come. Us kids sang 3 of our songs and then had some yummy cheese & crackers, fruit, popcorn and muffins. It was yummy. Next we went home for some fun art time, complete w/painting, and doing leaf rubbings. Then Dad came home early, we LOVE that. We started our first fire in our fire place, so nice!!

We are very thankful for so many things, at school Adley drew a picture that he was thankful for jumping in the leaves and Christmas ornaments. We have turkeys taped up in the house and are ready to spend a fabulous Thanksgiving at Grandma's house!!

Gobble Gobble, We hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend, and eat a lot.
We will.

Adley & Nathanael

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Veteran's Day

Yah, we celebrated Veteran's day, by playing in the leaves out back. A super nice afternoon for raking, jumping and playing.
Check out a few more pics.

Slowly you'll see our whole house....a few pics at a time. :) We've got a few new pics of the house, and the new Big Bed in mommy & daddy's room.

Have a fabulous day everyone!!

Adley & Nathanael

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Halloween!!

so I'm on the computer ready to post a lot of photos. Looks like mom keeps forgetting her camera, I guess the photos are on her phone, so I'll have to talk to Dad about that. :)

We've been having a great time. On Tuesday we sold our Condo, and all of us went west to sign the last paper, and we took a little hike on Wachusetts mountain (see photo), and finished it up with Friendlies. We enjoyed it a lot and ate most of our 2 burger kids meals, and followed it up with icecream of course. I had a monster one, and Nathanael had a cone head. YUM!!

This week, Nathanael wore his Buzz lightyear costume to his school on Thursday, and I wore my Bumblebee transformer costume to school on Friday. Parents got to stay and watch us parade our costumes around, and sing a witches brew song. I won't sing it to mom & dad at home....I'm not really a singer, but school is bringing it out a little.

We carved pumpkins Thursday night, and saw Charlie brown pumpkin show. We're very excited to trick or treat our neighborhood, should be fabulous. And we even have a pumpkin carving party at our friends after church, so we'll have quite fun day tomorrow.

I'll be updating photo's as they come available!!

Have a spooky day!!!

Bumblebee & Buzz Lightyear!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

We are in!!

We moved into our new white house this Saturday. We're working on our 2nd full nights sleep here, and settling in alright. This new place is fun!!
Today we made a big pile of pine cones in the back yard, we walked on 'paths' in the backyard. We got our TV here and set up and were able to watch a movie (it had been a little while so we really enjoyed it.)
We had our first full meal as a family tonight (chop suey, mom goes all out. :) )

I'm still not sure where all our toys are, but there seems to be enough stuff to get into to keep us busy, mom loves that. And we're huge helpers, or at least great at jumping on and off all the furniture in the new place, and it's still empty enough we get some echo.

We'll have to post some picks of us in the new be continued,

until Monday!!

The guys

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Apple Picking!!

We LOVE it, we had a blast picking apples (and eating them) with our friends. The weather was gorgeous. Check our our picks!!

We are enjoying our trips to the White House to drop off boxes of packed stuff. We are excited for our move on Saturday. We've been helping pack up our toys & books and things. Keep you posted what the weekend has in store. :)


Adley & Nathanael

Friday, September 24, 2010

We bought a new home!!

We will be moving into 'the white house' in Chelmsford. Today we brought some of our trucks and sidewalk chalk over. We had a grinders and lemonade, my favorite. We measured rooms with Daddy, and I figured I'd get a room to myself and Nathanael could have the other room with the new baby. I'm Big.

But I guess we get bunk beds if Nathanael is in the room with me, so that could be OK too.

It's fun to play in the back yard, it's fun to play downstairs, it's fun to slide along the hardwood floors on our bellies.

I'm excited to move now, and I know we are bringing all our stuff. When I see big trucks on the road I tell mom and dad that's the kind we need to move. Mom said the truck place has lots of sized trucks for moving, so I told her we would need a size 10 to bring all our stuff.

It was hard to leave the white house today to come to our other home. I like being at the white house, and I want to go in the woods and walk on the paths. I guess that will be for another day.

Have a great weekend!! Time to change the addresses on my fabulous magazine subscriptions.


Monday, September 13, 2010

My First Day of School!!

So today was my first day of Pre-school. I really like my school. I'm very excited about my transformer backpack & dragon lunch pack (which will be filled with snacks every school day.) I even picked out my own shirt for the first day, my new 'talking' transformer tee shirt.

I am excited to go back to school again on Wednesday, mom stayed with me today, so Wed will be my first solo day.

Dad took some sweet pictures of me before school, but I guess they are still in the camera.
So you'll soon be able to see me in action!!

Love you guys,


Friday, September 3, 2010

Brooklyn Fair

Hello Everyone,

We did finally get a fair in, the Brooklyn CT fair last weekend. We had a fun time. We enjoyed some tractor pull with Uncle Ben & Auntie Bee, we saw the cows & sheep. We played in the kid area for a while, it was really fun. They had a corn maze, a corn box instead of sand box, they had trains to play with, toy horses to ride, cars to ride, things to paint, a play ice cream station, play pizza station. It was a blast!!! We always love to spend time with our cousins Jayden & Owen who came to the fair too.

Before the fair we went to pick grapes with Grandpa & Grandma down the road. There were so many grapes to pick. Grandma is going to make grape juice, so we can drink it when we go back down to see her.

And there's finally a new video, I know it's been a while, mom says we move to much and too fast to get a good video, it would be rough viewing. :) (And that's Nathanael performing Twinkle Star.)

And check out our SWEET umbrella's, Adley's is Transformers - Optimus Prime & Nathanael is BUZZ - Toy Story. Adley saw them in the store and mom couldn't resist. Maybe a rainy day video will be in order.

Have a wonderful long Labor day weekend!!

The Boys

Thursday, August 19, 2010

4 Year Check-up!!

Yah, I'm getting so BIG. I'm 41 3/4 inches tall (80th percentile) & 38.6 lbs (again 80th percentile) I'm extremely proportioned. :) I did awesome checking my ears & eyes, I was very brave with 5 shots....ouch, and topped it off with a finger prick for lead & anemia. So the nurse gave me 5 Spider Man stickers, and that was pretty cool. I've got a clean bill of health!! Mom did take us to Dunkin Donuts after, and Nathanael had a chocolate glazed, and I had a boston figured I wouldn't take that one, but all that chocolate glaze on top was irresistible.

MMMM, donuts!!


Monday, August 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Adley!!

Look who's 4!! I'm getting so big.

We had a fabulous camping weekend. We went to Hammonasset State Park, on the Ocean Beach in CT. We spent 2 nights, had lots of smores, we swam in the ocean, biked on all the cool trails, played in the not so cool playground :), and enjoyed time with family. It was the bomb. We were 3 tents on one site, it was SWEET. Next year we're going to have a cousins tent, that will be extra sweet. So yah we're going back for more.

Dad got us a BIG sweet tent, very fun.

Happy Birthday to me!!


Thanks for all the SWEET presents, I've been very much enjoying my Transformers, and transfomer game and my own personal back pack, and I showed mom I have space for my pencils and markers, I'm ready for pre-school.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Vacation Bible School!!

We had a fabulous week at Vacation Bible School, Son Quest Rainforest. We enjoyed our jungle adventure. Adley was in the butterfly group and Nathanael bounced between the sugar gliders and the Tree Kangaroos. He's versatile. :) Adley was even doing the motions to the songs at the rehearsal, not singing just motions, it was crazy cute. We had a busy week because we had 2 friends in town our friend Amanda from Cancun we went to her mom's pool one night, and our Ohio friends we went out with them one night. It was a crazy busy week but crazy fun. And we followed it up with our first overnight sleepover without mom & dad. We stayed with our cousins, who are soooo fun to play with. Thanks Grandma & Auntie Brooke.

Adley is going to be 4 years old this Saturday, he's getting soo big. We'll be camping with our cousins this weekend on the ocean. We're very excited!!

Having the BEST summer!!

Love you lots!!


Monday, July 19, 2010


Tonight we went to a Spinners baseball game, a minor league team in Lowell. We had sweet seats behind home plate. We enjoyed everything going on, especially all the yummy ball food. It was fun to have lots of church friends with us too. I'm sure Dad has some sweet pics that will be up soon.

Yeah Baseball!!

Adley & Nathanael

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Happy 4th of July!!

Our July started with a bang, no pun intended. Dad was off work starting on Thursday and boy did we have a blast. See our Pics.
We started our July 1st with a trip to the Boston Aquarium with our friends Caroline & Ellis. We loved seeing all the fishes. Nathanael was a huge penguin fan. Adley enjoyed pretty much everything.
On July 2nd we went to the children's museum in Providence with Grandma. And boy did we have a blast. There was a water room, and outdoor play area, rooms to play in, an area to learn about bones, ships to play on, construction sites to build huge bridges. We had a blast.
Then on the 3rd we went up to VT to see Memere and Papa King. We got to meet our friends from MN Owen, Henry & Violet. We spent lots of time in Memere's pool, they got a bounce house, and I think Adley was in it as much as he could. We went to the park to play. We had a 'bonfire' and cooked smores and sparklers. Daddy & Adley tented out for 2 nights straight. We were pretty pooped come Monday afternoon when we came home. So pooped that we just enjoyed hearing the Lowell fireworks from our beds.
And then on the 9th we went blueberry picking. YUM YUM!!

God Bless America!!

Adley & Nathanael

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!!

We had a great time decorating the cake, it had Junior mints on it, you can't go wrong. Dad had a lot of help blowing these guys out. Looks like Dad is 13....guess I figured he was a little older.
The guys

Friday, June 25, 2010

Chicken nugget bubble bath!

So Nathanael and I are currently enjoying blueberry bubble bath, and that's good and all, but last night I came to the conclusion that I want some chicken nugget bubble bath. And I'm going to invent it. It's going to take many trips to donalds for nugget research to make sure we get the formulation just right.

who's with me?


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Strawberry Picking!!

We had a blast strawberry picking today, and boy did we enjoy ALOT of berries.
Here are some sweet shots. We went with our friends, as you will see.

Right now we are helping mom bake strawberry rhubarb pie....and it smells delicious, and there is lots of flour and sugar all over the place and us. I know mom likes it this way. But she keeps letting us help.

We had some strawberry donuts too, we brought some home for daddy to try.

Have a wonderful day everyone!!

Adley & Nathanael

Friday, June 4, 2010


The Carnival is in town, we went out Wednesday night. We had a blast riding the merri-go-round, and the HUGE ferris wheel. Check out our pics!!

What a blast!

Have a fabulous weekend friends!!

Adley & Nathanael

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What a sweet Memorial day weekend!!

We had a fabulous weekend. On Saturday we went for a big bike ride on the bike path. We stopped at the lake on the way back and had a slushie. We went 9 miles. Adley loves his hook bike. On Sunday after church we hung out at the house and pdlayed trucks. Monday we went down to Grandma & Grandpa's and went for a mountian bike ride. The trailer was bump bump bumpin' along. Adley did great on the trails. We went something close to 8 miles. Then we BBQ'ed at Grandmas & Granpas and had yummie stuff like fudgeicles, ice cream and toasted Marshmallows that were HUGE!!

Very good times.

today is a pool day at our friend Gage's, he lives next door.

Time to chill on the couch after lunch so we can get back in the pool.

The Philips boys!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

My New Bike

Check me out on my new bike. Dad pulls me and Nathanael enjoys the trailer. We had a fabulous bike ride on Saturday.

We'll be doing lots of biking this summer!!
Love Adley

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Fabulous Weekend!!

We had the best weekend ever!! It was so fun to have Ma Taunte Andrea, and Memere & Papa King and Grandpa & Nana come and visit us.

We showed Memere & Papa King one of our favorite parks, and Nathanael got to celebrate a little more birthday. Fun Fun

and Sunday Grandpa & Nana came down and we had a music concert, and showed them another fun park. And Nathanael decided he was going to scoot on his scooter not push it. It just had to be on his terms. What a cute scoot...

Monday we went to Great Brook Farms to show Ma Taunte Andrea the goats & sheep and feed them, and throw rocks in the pond and eat some Ice Cream.....YUM

here are a few pics from the fun!!!

Love you guys!
Adley & Nathanael

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What've you got cookin' up?

We Philips chef's have been busy whipping up our award winning soup. Here's the video if you want to copy this at home.
Invite us over to cook dinner anytime.

Love you guys!!

Chef Adley & Nathanael

We've got some VIP guests coming over this weekend, maybe we'll whip up something special. Can't wait to see you all!!!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Happy Birthday to ME!!

I had a very fun 2nd Birthday weekend.
We went to a park in CT near Grandma & Grampa. My fun cousins were there. We threw rocks in the river most of the time, and enjoyed a Buzz Lightyear Birthday. Pics to follow, Mom & Dad have been a little busy. I had another cake on my birthday too. I LOVE cake!!

This week I had my 2yr check-up, and I was 29lbs 8oz in the 75th percentile and 35 1/2 inches tall. (Adley was 36inches & 30lbs at his 2 year) And Baby center has a fun tool to predict how tall I'll be when I'm 18 and it says 6ft.

Well time for another snack!!

Got to go!!


Friday, April 23, 2010

Runs on Dunkin!!

That's what I say randomly now a lot. Marathon Monday really implanted it in my brain.

Also I told mom today that she could go to the dentist store and buy a little tooth for the space in her mouth.

We had a fun at home day today!!
Nothing much to report, but I thought I'd get in here before Nathanael takes over for his birthday weekend!!!


Monday, April 19, 2010

Happy Marathon Monday

We're minutes away from watching the start of the mens race. We're ready to race with our living room and for only a few minutes at a time.

The dunkin' donuts logo has been on the screen the whole time, and I asked mom why it was there, and she said, because "they want us to go buy donuts". I was pretty cool with that, but we're not going anywhere.

Just wanted to say HI!!

Adley & Nathanael

Monday, April 5, 2010

What a gorgeous Easter Weekend!!

Boy did we have a fabulous weekend!! (Photo's to come soon!!)

We went up to Grampie's and Nana's on Saturday and enjoyed an 80 degree day in early April. (Ma Taunte...I'm sure we beat you weather wise this weekend. :) We wanted to call to rub it in but was distracted by all the fun we were having.)

We threw rocks in the brook at Grampies, and got our feet wet....and muddy. We went for a fun 4 wheel ride, while Daddy followed us on his Unicycle. Nana even took us up some crazy hills but Dad did awesome. We had a campfire and cooked marshmallows. The weather was so comfortable even at night, Grampie had a lot of tiki lights too, what a fun night. We were pretty pooped come bedtime.

Easter Morning, what a glorious day!! We had an Easter Egg hunt, Grampie hid them pretty well. We got to go to Grampie & Nana's church. We went to great Memere's and Pepere's for some Easter breakfast (this would be 2nd to love holidays). Then to Great Gramies for 1st lunch. We spent the whole afternoon outside, Adley and Mia enjoyed playing in the brook all afternoon, and Nathanael threw lots of rocks in the brook. It was so fun to see everyone, we had a blast and was soaked come time to go home. We slept well in the car on the way home, and had a big night sleep last night.

Happy Easter Everyone!
HE is Risen!!

Adley & Nathanael

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Look What We Did Today!!

And scope out the video, kind of a 'making of'. Good times. As you can see most of our eggs are cracked, so those will be tossed once Dad sees the wonderful basket we made.

And yesterday we went to the Christian Movie Festival, and got to watch a free movie on the big screen. We saw Veggie Tails Minnesota Cuke & the search for Noah's Umbrella. Nathanael was dancing to all the tunes in his big movie seat. Adley very much enjoyed the flick as well it had a sweet Indian Jones theme. We even had some movie popcorn with butter. We LOVED it. That flick was followed by "The Messiah Comes". Nathanael had had enough movie near the end of this one, but we had a sweet time.

We bough PEEPS today, who doesn't love peeps!!!

We're psyked for all that Easter has in store.

Adley & Nathanael

Monday, March 29, 2010

The Dentist!

So today was my first teeth cleaning today!! I'm such a big boy. We went into the cleaning room, and I wasn't so excited to be first in the chair, so Nathanael hopped right on, and got a ride up and down, and opened his mouth for the hygienist. I took my place at the fill up the water cup/spit bowl which is my usual job when mom gets a cleaning. But mom put me in "the chair", and I got my teeth counted and cleaned. And did very very well. I went for mint toothpaste even when I had lots of other choices. Then came mom's turn, and I went back to the water fill up station, and you would know it, Nathanael didn't want to read the books, doodle on the pad or play with the truck mom brought, so he sat on her lap so he could face the water tub too. Would you know it my pants were pretty wet when we were done. Mom's sleeve too. I heard mom ask the hygienist if this is what they mean by bring your kids to the dentist....I don't get it, we had a blast.

I can't wait to go to the dentist again in 6 months,

Adley James

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Ma Taunte Andrea!!

27 will be a fabulous year for you. :) We love you bunches and figured this video was too sweet not to share with everyone.


Your nephews

Saturday, March 20, 2010

We LOVE this beautiful weather!

We've been spending LONG hours outside with these 60+ days. Today is going to be high of 73 and we're gearing up to spend it outside.

Here's a fun outside video for you to enjoy!!

We both LOVE climing trees, and Nathanael is as silly as alwasy!

Love you guys!!

Adley & Nathanael

Monday, March 15, 2010

New Pics

We had a blast this weekend. We got to hang out with Mom & Dad's college friends, and thier kids are great. Thanks for having us over Jess! On Sunday we had a blast at Great Grandma Barbrie's 80th birthday bash. Check out the sweet pics.
Today we went to Imajine That play place and had a blast.

But its raining today so at least this afternoon we can chill out....however we love 'action packed' and we never get tired. :)

Happy Time Change, Adley slept in until 9:15 today.

Nathanael & Adley

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Olympics!

Today mom and I raced with the cross country ski sprint races. We stood on pillows and used swords as our ski sticks. We raced just about every race, and wiped out at the end's tough work.

Go Olympics!!

Love you guys!!


Monday, January 25, 2010

The Boys

Today was a perfect rain day for another 'Philips' Art Studio' painting day. And we very much love the paints that Ma Taunte Andrea got us for Christmas, and the brushes too, so much so that we needed to use every drop of paint from them, and now have 18 masterpieces drying in the kitchen, for Dad to see when he gets home. So pretty much as soon as the paint dries these suckers are going to be mailed out....will you be 1 of the 18? Ha just kidding we love you all. :)

Adley is such a smarty pants too, he reads On and Off wherever he sees it. Mom figures she should test him more, because we're sure he's got all kinds of good stuff going on in that brain of his.

Mom 'rediscovered' the CD she played over and over to get a fussy little Nathanael to sleep. She's enjoying it a lot right now....and has a reminicing look on her face.

Tomorow Mom and Adley are going to check out a pre-school for the Fall. Adley will love it, mom's not quite ready to send her little man to school....any kind of school because he's getting big so fast.

Adley and mom enjoyed the heat wave/flood type rain and crazy wind. We had a blast out side splashing in the front yard/huge pond. And climing on the quickly shrinking snow banks...but with 50 degree weather we're just in wind pants and a wind breaker. We had a good 45 min of fun out there.

Just having a great day!
Wanted to share,

The boys!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Some Random Things!

We just went through the digital camera and have a few new pics from Dec-Jan as well as a smorgishborg video. There is a lot of motion in the might need to take some motion medicine before watching...just to warn you.

This is us just having fun like we usually do, this is just US!!

Love you,

Adley & Nathanael