Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What a sweet Memorial day weekend!!

We had a fabulous weekend. On Saturday we went for a big bike ride on the bike path. We stopped at the lake on the way back and had a slushie. We went 9 miles. Adley loves his hook bike. On Sunday after church we hung out at the house and pdlayed trucks. Monday we went down to Grandma & Grandpa's and went for a mountian bike ride. The trailer was bump bump bumpin' along. Adley did great on the trails. We went something close to 8 miles. Then we BBQ'ed at Grandmas & Granpas and had yummie stuff like fudgeicles, ice cream and toasted Marshmallows that were HUGE!!

Very good times.

today is a pool day at our friend Gage's, he lives next door.

Time to chill on the couch after lunch so we can get back in the pool.

The Philips boys!!

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