Thursday, April 29, 2010

Happy Birthday to ME!!

I had a very fun 2nd Birthday weekend.
We went to a park in CT near Grandma & Grampa. My fun cousins were there. We threw rocks in the river most of the time, and enjoyed a Buzz Lightyear Birthday. Pics to follow, Mom & Dad have been a little busy. I had another cake on my birthday too. I LOVE cake!!

This week I had my 2yr check-up, and I was 29lbs 8oz in the 75th percentile and 35 1/2 inches tall. (Adley was 36inches & 30lbs at his 2 year) And Baby center has a fun tool to predict how tall I'll be when I'm 18 and it says 6ft.

Well time for another snack!!

Got to go!!



Andrea said...

Yay! Happy Birthday Nathanael!!

I like cake too :-)

Anonymous said...

Also, Thanks for the gummy snacks Ma Taunte! We ate them fast, we're also excited for Toy Story 3 to come out this summer. Yeah!!
