Thursday, December 30, 2021

A Very Merry Christmas!!!

 What a wonderful Christmas Season!

On Thursday December 23rd we made sugar cookies for Christmas at Grandmas.

Lots of red, orange, yellow!! A very vibrant Christmas!

We picked up Adley from school and to grandmothers house we went!
Us and the Parson's and Grandma with Jayden and Owen. We didnt' get back home until midnight!

Christmas Eve we had a nice relaxing morning, started some new Christmas puzzles and went for an afternoon walk.  What a beautiful Christmas Eve service at 5:00, then home for appetizer supper followed by some Christmas movies.
Christmas Morning Nathanael was the first up, and he roused the boys just before 7:00.  A wonderful morning of presents, who hash and enjoying the gifts.  MaTaunt Andrea was able to join us for 3:00 for more Christmas fun.  We played a mini golf game on the xbox all together.  We enjoyed more Christmas movies that evening as well.
Sunday morning we enjoyed our church service and continued to relax and enjoy the Christmas fun.
Monday we're off to Grampie and Nana's.  What a fun sleep over with sledding!

Tuesday we were off to Memere and Papa Kings.  A fun time of games, sledding and digging out a snow house. 

A Very Merry Christmas was Enjoyed!! 
Lots of Love!!

Saturday, December 18, 2021

December Sports!!

 Adley had his first indoor track meet. Lot's of teams come, but two teams 'play each other'.  The other team didn't' come so Nashoba won that match. Adley got in first place in the mile and 3rd place in the 600m (from kids from Nashoba.) He was pleased...I will try hard to get a photo of this guy in his track uniform.

Jeremiah is on the CAVS and they won their game today 22 - 8.  Their team was good on rebounding - Jeremiah did a great job rebounding and being under the hoop for passes.  He scored 2 points!!

Go Jeremiah #41!!

Nathanael is on the Celtics - they lost last weekend, but we're waiting for the results today!

Go Nathanael #4 (he's the tall guy in the middle. :) )

Go Sports!

Monday, December 13, 2021

Doctor Appointment!

 Adley had his 15 year old Doctor appointment this morning.  He is 6ft. 1/2 inches tall in the 96th percentile.  He grew 2 1/2 inches this year.  He is 158 lbs in the 86th percentile and grew 22 lbs this year.  

Tall and strong Adley!

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

November and sneaking into December!!

 November was Good and Busy!!

Jeremiah has started taking Drum practice - and he is really enjoying it!

Jeremiah went to a cool birthday party where they showed us many rare animals - that we got to touch. (A little alligator!! )  

We had a nice week of Thanksgiving Preparations: raking and making cookies!!

Our Thanksgiving was filled with fun/food/family.  (And we shared covid with everyone.)
We've been home relaxing for a while...

This was one of Adley's lego projects...came out good!

Adley finished off his Football Season in Second place at the Small Technical High School playoffs. A close game 51-52 on Dec 3rd.

The Rink has been boarded!  We're ready for ice!

Happy November!

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Adley's Finger

 Poor guy, 

Dislocated his finger in warmups to a football game on Monday.  The trainer wouldn't touch it and sent him for x-rays. Our Primary Care Doctor ordered x-rays - but wouldn't touch it so we called the Orthodontist.

See his x-ray:

Ouch!  Popped perfectly back into place 


Just 3 weeks in a removable splint!  

Happy Halloween!!

 We had a wonderful day!  Nathanael finished off his flag football season with a win - but didn't make it to the 'Flag Bowl'.  His friends were in the Flag Bowl, so we went to watch.  They lost, but it was a super nice day for a game.

In the evening, Jeremiah went to a buddies house.

Alien Jeremiah!!

Nathanael trick or treated with two buddies in our neighborhood.
Nathanael is a Minecraft Enderman (box head.)

Adley was a football spectator watching football downstairs.

Happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Friday Pumpkin Carving!!

 Better Late than Never!

We (well 2 of us, the other dude had a football game and lost - so sad,) carved our pumpkins Friday night.

We made some pumpkin seeds too! YUM!

Jeremiah made the face from the Nightmare before Christmas (Pumpkin Jack) and Nathanael made an Iron Armor image from the video game he plays, Minecraft!

We are excited for some Sunday Trick or Treating!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Doctor Visits Today

Nathanael weighs 133 lbs in the 86th % and increased by 8 lbs. this year.  He is 29 lbs heavier than Adley was at 13.  He is 5 ft 6 1/2 inches in the 87th % - he grew 2 1/2 inches this year.  He is half an inch taller than Adley when he was 13... (watch out Adley. :) )  Nathanael is very proportioned....just one percentage point difference from height and weight. :) 

Jeremiah weighs 88 lbs in the 79th % and increased by 9 lbs.  He is 3 lbs. heaver than Nathanael at 10, and 14 lbs heavier than Adley at 10.  He is 5 ft on the dot today in the 94th %, he grew 2 inches this year.  He is 2 inches taller than Nathanael at 10 and 3 1/2 inches taller than Adley when he was 10.

Everyone is healthy!  

Grampie Football Weekend

 Grampie came down for the weekend to watch some football and visit.

We went to Adley's Friday game where they were wearing pink for breast cancer. 

He was 85 in this game.  The Vikings were winning at the half, then it was such a close game.  We were up by 1 point - but couldn't hold it.  (Adley didn't play but it was a great game to watch.)  
Final score 45 - 52

Saturday Nathanael had a 10:30 game - the Saint's lost, and Jeremiah had a noon game but the Patriots lost.

We threw frisbees and played board games. Had a great visit. 

Wow, Lots of things!!

 I will share our September FuN:

We have been enjoying watching this HUGE praying mantis. He eats Bees - hold and munches.  We've seen him a lot. He's sitting on the sedum.

We are studying Ancient History - and Jeremiah Mummified his favorite stuffed animal panda - with toilet paper. 

We enjoyed Apple Picking - but who wants to wait for mom!?!? 

I am pleased how my front flowers look this fall!

Nathanael and Jeremiah had a very foggy football practice on night!

We visited the Saugus Iron Works (10/8) with a buddy - This was working in 1660 (Just 40 years after the pilgrims right!  Britain was begin deforested in all their industrial mills so lets get a head start in the America's.  It was very interesting!  We got a great tour.)

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Saturday is a flag football day!!

 Perfect sunny weather for our first flag football game day.

Go Patriots!  (Jeremiah is #3)

Go Saints!! (Nathanael is #6)

Friday, September 10, 2021

Wow! What a WEEK! EVERYTHING has resumed!

 Wednesday was the first flag football practice!! The dudes are SO excited!

Jeremiah on the Patriots - running fast to receive that ball. 

Nathanael is on the Saints!! (Go Center in this photo)

Wednesday was Jeremiah and Mom's first Homeschool Day.
(mom took no pictures, but it was a wonderful first day!!)

Friday we got a game of mini golf in with a buddy

Nathanael won, Phillippe was 2nd and Jeremiah 3rd, but they all had a great time.

Just in time to get Adley from school and back to take the bus for his first Varsity football game tonight at 7:00!!

Vikings WON!  What a great first game!!

Wow, what a week!

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Camping Adventure

 We had a great camping weekend at Lake Taghatanic State Park.

We arrived Friday evening at 5:30 - after picking up Adley after school. The Parsons go there 30 min before us.  We set up camp and ordered pizza.  

Saturday morning the boys biked all around, to the playground, to the big beach and the playground near the big beach. 

Grandma came around lunch time.  We found the beach trail mountain bike trail too - a bunch of us did that one too. Uncle Daren came afternoon time and Uncle Dan came just after dinner.

Afternoon biking to the playground!

How many cousins on this bench?

Enjoying s'mores!

Saturday we biked and swam again.  Some big guys took a 3 mile mountain bike trail.  We spent the afternoon on the beach and just really enjoyed time together.

Sunday morning at 7:00am we heard rain drops on the tent, and the radar showed big clouds coming.  So we did a quick morning tent pack up - then had breakfast.  We got rained on a bit a breakfast, but were glad to have packed up most of the stuff we didn't want wet.  What a fun time!

Group Photo before we left!

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Adley's First Day of School!

 Wow, welcome to Sophomore year Adley!

He was working hard to evade this photo....

Dave is taking him to school on his way to work!

Monday, August 30, 2021

Jeremiah's First day of 5th Grade!!

 Wow, the start of another buddy on his school journey.  Jeremiah - 5th grade!!

We celebrated the first day of school with a trip to Dunkin Donuts!

(Poor Adley - this was after we dropped him off for football practice!)

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Brooklyn Fair Friday!

 What a blast to go to the local fair Dave went to as a kid.  We went on ride bracelet day, and it was HOT.  We saw some tractor pulls, pig races and go cart races (which were really supped up riding lawn mowers that went REAL fast. )

Two dudes on the Big swings

Jeremiah on the Scrambler

Grandma even got a ride bracelet.  Go Grandma!
Grandpa met us later in the day as well!

Fun Fun!

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

First Day of School!

 Nathanael is going into 8th grade, and had his first homeschool community day today: Challenge B.

He had a GREAT day, and is looking forward to the adventure.
There are currently 4 other kids in his class, and two are visiting to see if they want to join.

Fun Fun!

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Grampie Visit

 Friday to Saturday we go a visit to Grampie's in!

The trampoline is always FUN!  We even went to a local swimming hole - Four Corners!  The boys all jumped off a 10 foot cliff into the water.  Crazy FUN!

Jeremiah went first! (That's not Dave beside me but Adley....getting so big!)
Next up, Nathanael! 

Adley is blurry - guess he is so fast!

We've had quite the road trips! 
Ready for 10 local days until our camping adventure Labor Day weekend!

Road Trip!!

 What a wonderful Road Trip!  Long but GOOD!

We left Thursday morning and arrived at the Garrisons about 5:00pm.  We hung out with them, got some burgers for dinner, then came back to their house for a walk to their playground for some four square.  That evening they introduced us to mini golf on the XBox, what a blast.

Friday morning we left for MaTaunte Andrea's.  It was going to be an 8 1/2 hr trip. That was a long day - but we did it.  We had a Taco night!  YUM.  


Saturday MaTaunte Andrea had Nathanael go pick the watermelon and cut it.  WOW a yellow one!  With seeds we spit off the back porch. 

We went to Carowinds roller coaster park. What a blast.  On the boarder of North and South Carolina - where the Carolina's meet!  

Dave and Jeremiah on the Big Swings

We rode some great rides - then grabbed some food at 2:00.  Then the Rain came - the craziest thunderstorm, pouring rain.  HUGE puddles - they opened up the movie theater so people could get out of the rain.  We are planning to head back next year for more fun...  That evening we went to a yummy bar for dinner.  

Sunday we went to a local state park - the rain potential was still very much in the air. We took a short hike, we swum, we rented kayaks and paddleboats.  Fun.  We went home and enjoyed Andrea's garden, played some games.  That evening was a good movie night to relax by.

Monday morning we left for DC.  We arrived at the hotel, and walked towards where the DC Monument Bike tour would take off, had some dinner.  There were flood weather warnings and a little thunder, but we were able to do our trip with a little rain at the beginning, but it was GREAT. 

Getting ready to GO

WW2 Monument - wow!

 We saw a bunch of monuments, our tour guide described each site wonderfully then we could go explore it.  What a treat.

Tuesday morning we decided to go to the Smithsonian Zoo.  Jeremiah wanted to see the Panda's, there is a baby there - who turned one this Saturday.  We drove home after that.  What a wonderful trip.