Sunday, September 5, 2021

Camping Adventure

 We had a great camping weekend at Lake Taghatanic State Park.

We arrived Friday evening at 5:30 - after picking up Adley after school. The Parsons go there 30 min before us.  We set up camp and ordered pizza.  

Saturday morning the boys biked all around, to the playground, to the big beach and the playground near the big beach. 

Grandma came around lunch time.  We found the beach trail mountain bike trail too - a bunch of us did that one too. Uncle Daren came afternoon time and Uncle Dan came just after dinner.

Afternoon biking to the playground!

How many cousins on this bench?

Enjoying s'mores!

Saturday we biked and swam again.  Some big guys took a 3 mile mountain bike trail.  We spent the afternoon on the beach and just really enjoyed time together.

Sunday morning at 7:00am we heard rain drops on the tent, and the radar showed big clouds coming.  So we did a quick morning tent pack up - then had breakfast.  We got rained on a bit a breakfast, but were glad to have packed up most of the stuff we didn't want wet.  What a fun time!

Group Photo before we left!

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