Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Doctor Visits Today

Nathanael weighs 133 lbs in the 86th % and increased by 8 lbs. this year.  He is 29 lbs heavier than Adley was at 13.  He is 5 ft 6 1/2 inches in the 87th % - he grew 2 1/2 inches this year.  He is half an inch taller than Adley when he was 13... (watch out Adley. :) )  Nathanael is very proportioned....just one percentage point difference from height and weight. :) 

Jeremiah weighs 88 lbs in the 79th % and increased by 9 lbs.  He is 3 lbs. heaver than Nathanael at 10, and 14 lbs heavier than Adley at 10.  He is 5 ft on the dot today in the 94th %, he grew 2 inches this year.  He is 2 inches taller than Nathanael at 10 and 3 1/2 inches taller than Adley when he was 10.

Everyone is healthy!  

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