Wednesday, December 8, 2021

November and sneaking into December!!

 November was Good and Busy!!

Jeremiah has started taking Drum practice - and he is really enjoying it!

Jeremiah went to a cool birthday party where they showed us many rare animals - that we got to touch. (A little alligator!! )  

We had a nice week of Thanksgiving Preparations: raking and making cookies!!

Our Thanksgiving was filled with fun/food/family.  (And we shared covid with everyone.)
We've been home relaxing for a while...

This was one of Adley's lego projects...came out good!

Adley finished off his Football Season in Second place at the Small Technical High School playoffs. A close game 51-52 on Dec 3rd.

The Rink has been boarded!  We're ready for ice!

Happy November!

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