Saturday, December 18, 2021

December Sports!!

 Adley had his first indoor track meet. Lot's of teams come, but two teams 'play each other'.  The other team didn't' come so Nashoba won that match. Adley got in first place in the mile and 3rd place in the 600m (from kids from Nashoba.) He was pleased...I will try hard to get a photo of this guy in his track uniform.

Jeremiah is on the CAVS and they won their game today 22 - 8.  Their team was good on rebounding - Jeremiah did a great job rebounding and being under the hoop for passes.  He scored 2 points!!

Go Jeremiah #41!!

Nathanael is on the Celtics - they lost last weekend, but we're waiting for the results today!

Go Nathanael #4 (he's the tall guy in the middle. :) )

Go Sports!

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