Thursday, July 3, 2014

Vacation - To Memere & Papa Kings

What a fabulous vacation to Memere & Papa Kings.  Of course we forgot our camera.  But we went up Sunday afternoon, and had a sweet time in the pool with a slide.  On Monday we pretty much swam all day, and biked & played ball.  On Tuesday we went canoeing, and first Mom and Papa King paddled, then Mom and Adley with a Nathanael switch, then Adley and Nathanael paddled with mom in the middle, then they went out again with Jeremiah on board as well.  What a fun time.  The rest of the day was pool fun, and a root beer and pizza party, followed by roasted marshmallows, the hot tub, and fireworks.  Very Very Fun.  Then on Wednesday we went to the Montshire science museum.  What a blast.  All the cool stuff to explore inside - and a replica of Sue the T-rex.  Then lunch outside, and the outdoor water section.  We had such a great trip.
The 3 vacation boys

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