Thursday, July 24, 2014

Sport Camp & VBS

Wow, we've been busy...can you tell by the lack of posts. :)

So last week we went to a Sport camp in the morning time at a local church.  We had a great time of songs and sport games.  We even had a water day.  The two big guys got to do camp and Jeremiah had playdates with mom, and helped to decorate the church for our VBS.  This week we have our VBS.  Jeremiah is in the sweet Seahorse group, Nathanael is a Monkey - Very appropirate, and Adley is a Jaguar.  We are having a blast.  We love our church VBS.  We get a CD of the music and we sing all the songs and do all the moves.   We love the snacks and the big guys love the craft room.  (And Mom is the teacher in there. :) )  We have our presentation night on Friday - we should have some pictures then for you.

The Camp guys

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