Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Happy 4th of July (or 5th)

Our 4th of July was a rainy movie day, to recoup from our super vacation.  So we got a do over on the 5th.  We went to Daddy's Aunt Christine's for a fun family BBQ.  She is right on a bay south of Providence RI.  We had a fun time on the beach, yummy food, and some super fireworks.  Some from our family and the rest from all the neighboring houses, and across the bay.  What a super fun night!  Even Jeremiah loved the fireworks - the noise usually gets him, but he sat in Daddy's lap and Daddy put his hands over Jeremiah's ears.  It worked great!

The 3 fireworks buddies

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Fireworks are lots of fun. We did not get many this year we were in the Outer Banks, and they were cancelled. I can understand the ear plugging, although I'm sure it won't take long that they start looking at what comes earlier.

Love you all and hope to see you soon,