Thursday, June 26, 2014

Strawberry Picking

Another fun strawberry picking.  Check out the rest of the photos.  The weather was cloudy, and a bit sprinkily, which made it nice and comfortable.  It has been so muggy lately.  This year 3 boys picked berries, Jeremiah had half of his really picked, and with red berries this year.  A super fun time again this year.  And we had strawberry donuts and ice cream for lunch.  We're excited for strawberry shortcake for after dinner.

We also celebrated the first day of summer with S'mores, and camping out in the backyard.  We got to stay up until the first star, which was first 2 planets.  We got to see Saturn & Mars with Daddy's telescope.  Followed by the first star, arcturus.  That was 9:00.  We're excited for Summer!!

The summer buddies!

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