Friday, June 20, 2014

WOW - it's been a while

And WOW we've been busy.  Here's a recap.
We finished school May 23rd.  We had a fun Memorial Day parade in town and a fun friend BBQ that weekend as well.  Here we are ready for the parade.

 We took a trip to the Museum of Science with Dad May 30th.  Here is a picture of us in the BIG chair - there were 3 chairs - small, medium and large.

What a fun trip.  Our poor fish Adley Junior died May 31st, so Adley went shopping for Buzz Buzz.  He's a great new fish.  (Jubal is the yellow in the front - and Buzz Buzz is in the back - and more in focus.)

We did a week of swimming lessons June 9th-13th.  The big guys took lessons and Jeremiah hung out with mom.  They were great, but the hot tub was out of order - so Jeremiah especially is ready for some Memere and; Papa King's hot tub time.  We've had lots of play dates here and there, we've been to the town beach a few times, a super fun birthday party at the local pool.  It's been fun and busy and we keep forgetting to take photos.

Happy Summer!
Love the 3 busy summer guys!

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