Friday, May 16, 2014

Doctors Visits Today!

Nathanael and Jeremiah had their annual Doctors visits today, and here are their stats.

Nathanael went first:
He weighed 47lbs 13oz. (67th percentile) - he gained 4 lbs this year.  He was 49 inches tall (95th percentile) - he grew 4 inches.  (WOW - Adley and Nathanael were exactly the same height at 6 years old, and Nathanael weights 1 more pound than he did.)  Talk about close.  Nathanael had a great check-up and no shots.

Jeremiah went second:
He weighed 37lbs 10oz (93rd percentile) - he gained almost 5 pounds from last year.  He was 41 inches tall (97th percentile) - he grew 4 inches from last year.  He weighs 2 lbs. more than Nathanael and Adley did at 3 years old.  He is 1/2 inch taller than Nathanael was at 3 years old, and 2 inches taller than Adley was.  No shots for Jeremiah, but he did need a lead blood test, and he did so great.  The boys all got some great stickers and the nurses were super nice.

The boys were treated with Dunkin Donuts for a great check-up.

Until August for the big brother.

The healthy growing boys

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I love all the stats and updates. Glad to hear everyone is happy and healthy (although I'm not too surprised). They've got a great Mom ;-)