Monday, May 12, 2014

LOTS of fun!!

Wow, we've got to go back to May 3rd!!
What a super fun vacation.  We loved and still talk about our fun trip with Memere & Papa King & MaTaunte Andrea and Mr. Seth.  The fun began at the Bridge of flowers and we saw some glacier holes as well.

Then we took the sunset walk at Fort Dummer State Park.  Then to the hotel - first stop the pool. The pool was cool and cool. :)  They had just changed the water, so it was a bit chilly, but we didn't mind so much.  Then off to Chinese Food that night, yum!  Then the big guys went back into the pool - jumping in over and over, and warming up in the hot tub.  Next morning - back in the pool.  Then to the breakfast buffet.  We has so much food for breakfast - it was YUMMY.  What a blast - then a car ride home where Nathanael and Jeremiah slept.  Super Super fun!!

Then to May 6th - Nathanael rides a 2 wheel bike - and he rides it all over the neighborhood.  He does GREAT.

Then May 11th - a fun Mothers Day - we took mom out to Chili's for lunch after church.  Then we splashed in the sprinkler during our 80 degree day.  Dad built mom a raised bed for her garden.  We took a walk in the woods, and had our first fire in our fire pit - with marshmallows.  Time to buy the fixin's for Smores next time.

We've been having a blast, feels like summer time and we love it.

The 3 boys

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