Tuesday, January 10, 2012


So Nathanael had his first Dentist visit on Monday and he did super. Both us big guys have perfect teeth, mom went today and so does she. We even got prizes for doing so well. The dentist said this is the year for Adley to have a loose tooth and for a 6 year molars, so here they come. Nathanael has mom's bite. :) Adley has super close front teeth, not like mom, so when his big guy teeth come in.....watch out...there will be no room. :)

The 2 big guys

Jeremiah got a tooth brush...because he's at 5 teeth these days!


Andrea said...

Hooray for a great dentist visit! I used to get fun stickers and a toothbrush when I went to the dentist. What kind of fun prizes did you boys get? Did Mom get a prize too?

Adley said...

Adley got a little smiley face maze with a ball in it, and Nathanael got an orange monkey with a spring to bounce all over. Mom got a toothbrush....that's it. :)