Thursday, January 5, 2012

9 month Check-up!

Yah I'm beefing up nicely. I'm weighing in at 25 lbs 14 oz (98th percentile) and am 31 inches long (99th percentile). My pediatrician said I weigh as much as an average 20 month old. Nice. I had to have blood drawn for my lead test. Full on blood drawn....but it went well. (seems crazy to mom - Nathanael had to have his done at 3 years old. Different pediatricians office I guess.)

This is how I'm measuring up to the big brothers. I'm as long as Adley was at 1 year old...and I weigh more than he did at 1 year old. Nathanael beats me at his 1 year measurements by half and inch. I do weigh 1 oz. more than Nathanael at his 15 month.

I am a ROCK STAR!!

Time for a snooze, it's hard being this cute!!


1 comment:

Andrea said...

Oh my Goodness!! I can't believe how big you are. I wonder how long you will stay the "little brother" or at what age you will be taller than one of your older brothers. Keep it up!