Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas 2, 3 and 4!!

We had a fabulous Christmas. We went to Grandma's and Grandpa's on Friday for our Philips family fun. We had a blast all day long eating and playing with our cousins. On Saturday we had a chill day at home playing with our new presents. Then our friends Colin & Will came over for dinner. Those guys are super fun to play with. We stayed up a little late on Christmas Eve, so at 8am Adley came and told Mom. "I just saw Christmas...lets go and count the presents!!" So we had a nice morning of present opening. Us guys each got a bean bag chair, they are great. We played with our toys for a while, then went to Church. It was a great family service, we all got to enjoy it. Then home for breakfast for lunch (we love sweet breakfast anytime of day..). Then we played the rest of the day. On Monday we went to Ma Taunte Andrea's place. We were so excited to see it. We had a great time with Grandpa and Nana. Yummy food and fun toys. We've had a very Merry Christmas!

Then mom took off for Cancun to her girlfriends wedding so it's been just the guys! We LOVE our guy time.

The guys

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