Monday, April 11, 2011

One Week Old!

Friday I was one week old!! Already huh? I'm figuring out this sleeping at night business...who knew..I used to love to move and shake in the wee hours of the night. But now I give mom 4hrs between each feeding...I know soo generous. she loves it. I sleep awesome in the morning, and I like to snuggle/eat all afternoon to early evening, but I'm a champ all night long, and mom loves that.

The big brothers got a metal slide from the neighbor, and a large wood log block to screw it to, it's pretty sweet. It will go on the swing set/slide kit dad is going to buy/make, but for now it's sweet. Check out the photo's of the boys....looks like we live in the middle of nowhere. I love it. Also I'm sporting some shades...

Today was a 70 degree day, we spent it mostly outside. We love to eat meals on the screened in porch, and pic nics on our blanket.

I'm settling in nicely, Aldey LOVES to give me kisses, and tries to comfort me when I'm upset. Very nice!!

Well time to get some shut eye!!


1 comment:

Andrea said...

Hello There! Nice to see you are settling in well with your brothers. I love the shades! They look like they are big enough to give you great protection from the sun. Also, great job on the sleeping! I guess your older brothers wear you out during the day?!

Love you and can't wait to see you!