Thursday, April 21, 2011

Having a Nice Week!!

This week Dad worked 3 days, but we still got out and about!
Monday we went to the park for a couple hours and had a great time. On Tuesday we went to Walmart and bought some fun Easter things, and egg dying kit that we used today...very fun, also lots of fun Easter Candy. On Wednesday we went to the Christian Movie Festival and got to watch a free Veggie Tail movie on the BIG screen, Grandma came with us, it was very fun. This morning we dyed our Easter Eggs...we're gearing up for Easter Fun. We have a few new photo's, and maybe a video...if mom has time to cut it before Brother wakes up to eat.

Dad has tomorrow off, and we've got some friends coming over on Saturday. We're so settling in nicely. And little brother will be 3 weeks tomorrow. Mom can't believe how fast it's going. We can't wait for little brother to be bigger to be awake more and play. But he still gets lots of kisses, and Nathanael loves to help mom give little brother a bath.

Have a great Holy Week!!

Adley & Nathanael & Jeremiah - was sleeping

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