Monday, October 29, 2018

No More Ansie Swamp!

So, the town has decided that we get a lot of Ansie swamp because our mega pine trees roots are all in the pipes.  The town x'ed up a bunch of trees to cut down - they came down today.  After this they'll did up the pipes and lay some new stuff.
Check it out!  We came home from karate this afternooon, and the crew was well on it's way.
We had a mega crane in our front lawn, and all these trucks doing the work.

Check out the 2 wood chip trucks and the log truck.

See the 3 big stumps behind Jeremiah?

Even more stumps, all the way back a bit past the fire pit.  This is a long pipe they are repairing.  We're assuming they will dig all this up - quite a job!

Looking left out the front door - no more big pines covering the power line. 

We'll keep you updated!
Pipe Project

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