Wednesday, October 31, 2018

No Ansie Swamp Day 3! :(

The pipes went in - and so much more backhoe mess!
The fire pit almost didn't make it.

The Burm - the dirt and rock bike ramp Dave and the Boys made is gone - along with all the rocks they used to build it strong.  The dude said he would remove our brush pile in the back because of all the 'destruction.'

Where is my raspberry garden?  Dug up and under that pile of dirt/rocks/pipe.  The two poor lilac trees near by were under a large log.  I even build a small rock wall yesterday - hoping to save the berries, no luck.  
The Backhoe driver said he would talk to the town to see if they could buy us some berry plants.....I had a bunch....
That's my saddest news - the berry plants - were starting to do well.

It's been all pretty interesting until today.
The town will sod it tomorrow and seed us in the spring.

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