Wednesday, October 31, 2018

No Ansie Swamp Day 3! :(

The pipes went in - and so much more backhoe mess!
The fire pit almost didn't make it.

The Burm - the dirt and rock bike ramp Dave and the Boys made is gone - along with all the rocks they used to build it strong.  The dude said he would remove our brush pile in the back because of all the 'destruction.'

Where is my raspberry garden?  Dug up and under that pile of dirt/rocks/pipe.  The two poor lilac trees near by were under a large log.  I even build a small rock wall yesterday - hoping to save the berries, no luck.  
The Backhoe driver said he would talk to the town to see if they could buy us some berry plants.....I had a bunch....
That's my saddest news - the berry plants - were starting to do well.

It's been all pretty interesting until today.
The town will sod it tomorrow and seed us in the spring.

Purgatory Chasm

Today we went to Purgatory Chasm with some homeschool friends.
Adley Hanging with Joe in the Welcome Center

Climbing High!

Wow, check this place out!

So Many Rocks to Climb!

Look at those dudes up there!

Posing for a photo!

All the kids!
What a blast today!
The Adventure Dudes!

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

AWANA - Dress as a Bible Character!

We've got a Jeremiah and a Nathanael!
Both in the Bible - way to go guys!

No More Ansie Swamp Day 2

The big digger came today! 

Good Bye Burning Bush!

This guy ripped up all those stumps!

Front Row Seats!

Look at this HUGE area he cleared!

Here's the excavator - cleared the bushes to the road!
Tomorrow is a dig and lay the pipes day!

Monday, October 29, 2018

No More Ansie Swamp!

So, the town has decided that we get a lot of Ansie swamp because our mega pine trees roots are all in the pipes.  The town x'ed up a bunch of trees to cut down - they came down today.  After this they'll did up the pipes and lay some new stuff.
Check it out!  We came home from karate this afternooon, and the crew was well on it's way.
We had a mega crane in our front lawn, and all these trucks doing the work.

Check out the 2 wood chip trucks and the log truck.

See the 3 big stumps behind Jeremiah?

Even more stumps, all the way back a bit past the fire pit.  This is a long pipe they are repairing.  We're assuming they will dig all this up - quite a job!

Looking left out the front door - no more big pines covering the power line. 

We'll keep you updated!
Pipe Project

Pumping Carving!

We had a great time, on a super rainy Saturday to carve our pumpkins!

Dad used his jigsaw for a bit of fun!

We dug and dug our seeds - and roasted them for later!

Everyone was hard at work.  Adley and Nathanael did it all themselves. Dad helped Jeremiah with the jigsaw. :)

Nathanael had a skull and scythe, Jeremiah had a Minecraft sword, and Adley "Go Falcons!"
The Pumpkin Dudes

More Teeth!

Wow, Jeremiah lost another tooth watching the beginning of Game 5 of the World Series!
Go Red Sox!

The Toothless Wonder,

Football Updates!

What a fabulous season of Football this year.
Jeremiah loved his season of football this year!  He was excited for every game.

Nathanael had a great year as well, his team took a couple silly team photos.

Adley had a great season as well.  His team played a close game in the semi finals but lost.  He scored 2 touchdowns off of long passes (his favorite.)  His team got the Star Trophy which is awarded to the team that gets the most players to score the most number of times.  We had every player score at least twice and 9 players scored at least 4 times!!!

The Football Dudes!

Friday, October 26, 2018

12 Year Check Up!

I'm growing up big and strong.  I am 5ft 2 inches (only 5 inches to go to be the same height as mom.)  In the 82 percentile.  I grew 5 inches this year.  I weigh 96lbs; I gained 11 lbs this year.

Wow, look at all that growth.  Nice and healthy too!

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Maritime Gloucester Field trip!

On Monday we had a fantastic field trip!!
We started out with a squid dissection.  The teachers were fabulous, the kids learned so much.  Jeremiah Got to watch!  The kids wrote with squid ink!  So cool!  

Then Jeremiah got to play in the touch tank - while Nathanael moved to the protozoa lab, where the kids found many single celled organisms via microscope from an ocean water sample collect for them.  The teachers again did a fabulous job!

These guys had a blast at the touch tank while the big guys worked. :)

Adley and his crew at the squid dissection - this was while Nathanael did Protozoa's.  Their groups just swapped classes.

Science is Cool!

Thursday, October 11, 2018

I'm climbing the big ones now!

Look at ME!  I made it into the big guy tree climbing club.  It was a long time coming! 

Climin' High!!