Monday, June 22, 2015

Just Things!

Wow, it must be summer, because days are flying by, we're doing lots of stuff - and not keeping up here. :)

Tuesday was an awesome Co-Op playground day, so many families came it was a blast.
Wednesday Memere came.  We had so much fun, and she brought Dunkin Donuts!!! YUM.  We played Pitchnut, Adley was getting the hang of it.  We showed Memere all kinds of cool stuff, lego creations, our rooms.  We finished with a great game of kick ball, Memere and Mom vs. us.  We won. :)
Thursday we went strawberry picking.  The picking time at our regular place was so short, that we had to try a new place, all the way up in NH.  The picking was OK, but we went with friends so it was fun.  Then we went to Chick'fil'a for lunch. They have an indoor play place, so that was fun.
Friday we made freezer Jam - YUM!  We were having an awesome water gun fight in the afternoon.  Dad surprised us coming home early, changing into play clothes and came running out the house gun loaded.
Saturday we had Guy day.  Mom went on a hike with the ladies.
Sunday for Fathers day, we went to church.  We went to a BBQ at a friend from church's friends place.  The Dad's went for a mountain bike ride, and the kids all went in the pool.  

Wow, it's been fun!

We start swimming lessons tomorrow.  And we can't wait to show off our new moves in Memere's pool.

The summertime boys

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