Friday, June 12, 2015

Berkshire's Vacation....AWESOME!!

So we drove to our 'vacation house' Saturday the 6th. We were upgraded to a 3 bedroom studio with an upstairs and cool 'bridge' over the living room - it was AWESOME!  Grandma & Grandpa, cousin Jayden & Owen came to visit and spent the night.  Sunday we went to the bike path for a great ride with them.  They had to leave after lunch.  Sunday afternoon we went to visit the natural bridges state park.  Very cool white marble dam, and cool caves and walkways to explore.  On Monday was a bit rainy so we went to the Berkshire museum.  It was so great - with a play/explore SPARKS area, natural science, aquarium, and art section.  It was great - we were there for 4 hours.  We had Chinese food for a late lunch/early supper.  Tuesday we were back to the bike path - we did 11 miles. It was so smooth and nice.  Then back to the vacation home for some afternoon pool fun.   Wednesday we hiked the Cobbles in Cheshire Ma. A 2 mile hike there and back again. Which is part of the Appalachian trail.  Great views!  Then off to our place for pool afternoon again.  We LOVE the pool.  Thursday we went back to the bike path to do the rest of it - another 10 miles round trip.  We planned it so we finished back to our car when the ice cream shop opened.  The cotton candy ice cream tasted like real cotton candy.  YUM!  Then we went to the mall for lunch - pizza.  And we played at the arcade for a bit.  Once back home - you guessed it, the pool.   Friday we checked out, had breakfast at Bob's diner.  Adley & Jeremiah had Mickey Mouse pancakes.  They were GREAT.  Then off to Greylock Mountain.  The highest in MA.  We drove to the top - took in the views.  Then we took a hike - the overlook trail, which was 2.8 miles and we descended, and climbed 800 ft.  We saw some views, a cool waterfall and a pond with an old shack.  Again the end of this trail was part of the Appalachian Trail - so we're pretty adventuresome.  Then it was time to head home.  So Fun!

This new google photos - doesn't let me add captions - and nothing is in order, but enjoy anyway. :)

The 3 travelers

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