Thursday, December 11, 2014

Wow, lots of things!!

Well we've been busy this Christmas season - here's a bit of our adventures.

There was a Gingerbread festival at our library last Saturday - we decorated gingerbread men, and read gingerbread books, and made gingerbread crafts.

On Tuesday the 9th - my cast came off.  I'm doing great moving my arm around gently while I finish up healing.  We got to see my bones - I got another x-ray.  My bones are looking great!

We're studying France in school - mom and I made an Eiffel tower!!

Today we are making sugar cookies - they are all baked, time for decorating later.  And more photo's of course.  Most of Jeremiahs angels have no head....kind of like photographs mom remembers when she was little.  

 The 3 Christmas buddies

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