Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Merry Christmas 1 & 2

What a super great Christmas so far.  We've had 2 Christmases with 2 more to go. :)  Christmas Eve we had our friends the Hornbacks over for afternoon appetizers, then we all went to church together.  Once back home we watched some Christmas shows until it was time for bed.  Christmas morning we got lots of fun presents.  Adley's favorite was the Batman lego set, Nathanael loved his monster sticker book and a gravity maze, and Jeremiah loved his dino sticker book and a new playmobile dragon set.  We got to play with our new things all day.
Friday we went to Grandma & Grandpa's.  We got to play with all our cousins, 8 boys altogether ages 2 months to 10 years old.

We got lots of new presents and we had a cousins sleepover all spread out in the living room.  Adley loves Grandpa's dog lady.  The weather was so nice we played outside a lot too.  What a super fun Merry Christmas!

The Christmas buddies

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