Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Weekend at Memere's and Papa Kings

Another super fun weekend.  We went up to Memere & Papa Kings Friday night.  The weather was a bit cooler than our first trip to Memere's, but we had fun playing outside after dinner.  And of course, a fun time in the hot tub.  We need a hot tub too. :) Then Saturday, we played outside, picked some veggies from the garden, brought in a couple loads of wood on the wagon.  We even hopped in the pool quick, even thought it was chilly!!  We even did a bike ride and played at the playground a bit.  We got some fireworks after our hot tub fun.  Then Sunday - yummy french toast. :)  We played outside a bit, and wondered if the day would be rainy all day.  But we went to Rood pond, and even took our boat out for a couple rides around the pond.  Back for lunch and our trip back home.
What a fun weekend!

The 3 buddies

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Wow! It sounds like another busy weekend on the road. I hope Memere's garden had some yummy treats for you. Last time I was there Memere showed me the row of beets that was a favorite of your Mom's :-)