Thursday, August 7, 2014

Happy 8th Birthday Adley!!

So my birthday started on Tuesday when Memere sent me a sweet water gun, and one for each of my brothers.  We were going to ambush Dad when he got home, but we got the idea a bit too late, Dad drove in the driveway when only  1 boy was loaded.

Today on my birthday we went to the Library - where the Museum of Science Boston, had a fun thing for kids.  The experiments (science is magic) was cool.  Then off to swimming lessons, Thursday is candy day!!! SWEET.  Then home for lunch.  It got quite cloudy out so visiting our friends at a pool was out, so we waited until later in the afternoon to go to the Friendlies ice cream window.  YUM!  For Supper I got to pick what I wanted to have.  French toast, & breakfast sausages, and for desert - Boston Cream pie.

 Tomorrow is my birthday party.  It's fun to be 8!


1 comment:

Andrea said...

Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday Dear Adley!
Happy Birthday to You!