Thursday, June 26, 2014

Strawberry Picking

Another fun strawberry picking.  Check out the rest of the photos.  The weather was cloudy, and a bit sprinkily, which made it nice and comfortable.  It has been so muggy lately.  This year 3 boys picked berries, Jeremiah had half of his really picked, and with red berries this year.  A super fun time again this year.  And we had strawberry donuts and ice cream for lunch.  We're excited for strawberry shortcake for after dinner.

We also celebrated the first day of summer with S'mores, and camping out in the backyard.  We got to stay up until the first star, which was first 2 planets.  We got to see Saturn & Mars with Daddy's telescope.  Followed by the first star, arcturus.  That was 9:00.  We're excited for Summer!!

The summer buddies!

Friday, June 20, 2014

WOW - it's been a while

And WOW we've been busy.  Here's a recap.
We finished school May 23rd.  We had a fun Memorial Day parade in town and a fun friend BBQ that weekend as well.  Here we are ready for the parade.

 We took a trip to the Museum of Science with Dad May 30th.  Here is a picture of us in the BIG chair - there were 3 chairs - small, medium and large.

What a fun trip.  Our poor fish Adley Junior died May 31st, so Adley went shopping for Buzz Buzz.  He's a great new fish.  (Jubal is the yellow in the front - and Buzz Buzz is in the back - and more in focus.)

We did a week of swimming lessons June 9th-13th.  The big guys took lessons and Jeremiah hung out with mom.  They were great, but the hot tub was out of order - so Jeremiah especially is ready for some Memere and; Papa King's hot tub time.  We've had lots of play dates here and there, we've been to the town beach a few times, a super fun birthday party at the local pool.  It's been fun and busy and we keep forgetting to take photos.

Happy Summer!
Love the 3 busy summer guys!