Thursday, May 15, 2014

Memere Came to Visit!

What a super fun day to have Memere come to visit us on Wednesday!  First thing, she brought Dunkin Donuts. :)  We wanted to show Memere everything we've been working on, reading, and the awards we got at our AWANA awards night.  Then Memere and Mom did some planting and things.  We had some lunch and took a walk to the pond.  It was a nice day for it, so nice we went to Friendlies for ice cream from the ice cream window.   And the one bench Friendlies has, was empty.  So the 5 of us enjoyed our ice cream on one bench.  Then back home to show Memere our Mario Cart Wii.  She even raced a race, but was all over the place. :)

We love you Memere!!

The 3 buddies

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Yay! Sounds like a blast and I'm glad Memere was able to make it down and visit. Memere always bring the Dunkin huh?