Monday, December 2, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

What a wonderful Thanksgiving at Grandma & Grampa's.  We played all day - had a super fun time with our cousins Ethan & Issac.  We ate a lot and played a lot.
What a fun day.
We had a nice relaxing rest of our vacation.

Now it's Christmas time.  We decorated the house on Sunday.  Even our sweet little tree.  Mom hasn't removed the ornaments and lights - ever.  So it was a nice rearrange - tossing of broken things just 'in the tree'.  And we made some pipe cleaner candy canes.
Mom even bought some solar lights for out front.
We're counting down to Christmas.
The 3 guys

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I love the little tree!! It has held up to a lot from the days when we overloaded it with that giant red tree topper to now. Very impressive. Just the thing to kick-start the Christmas holiday feelings :-)