Monday, December 9, 2013

On the 7th & 8th Day of Christmas

Saturday we went to a Living Nativity.  It was great.  Everyone was all dressed up at the time of Jesus's birth.  We started in Joseph's shop - and had to travel to Bethlehem.  This was at night time and there were candles lining the whole way.  We saw Roman guards, and met lots of people on our travels - some Wise men carrying gifts, a map maker to show us the way, some shepherds and their flocks by night and angels and then we got to Bethlehem and there was no room at the inn, so we went to the Manger where the baby Jesus lay.  It was soooo well done.  We didn't take pictures, but if you want to see some Roman guards check it out.

Sunday we got our Christmas tree!  We'er SOOOOO excited to decorate it Monday night!  More pictures to follow.

And we might get 2 inches of snow tomorrow!!  We've only had dustings - and our dusting today will turn to a wintry mix very soon.

Merry Christmas,
The 3 guys

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