Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A Very Merry Christmas!

Boy have we had a wonderful Christmas.  We went to Grandma and Granpa's on the 21st.  We had a wonderful day, and made a sweet Gingerbread house with our cousins. Then Christmas Eve we had our friends over for the afternoon, then all went to church that evening.  Christmas morning was wonderful -with lots of presents.  Then Grandma and Grandpa came over for lunch and some playing with our new things in the afternoon.  Then Friday the 27th we were off to Grampie's and Nana's.  It was snowing on the way up.  What a fun night.  Ma Taunte Andrea & Seth came up too.  The next morning was our first sledding of the season.  Later that day we were off to Memere's and Papa Kings.  We had a fun time with Jim and Abby.  We had a wonderful sleepover, then presents the next morning.  And more sledding.  We had a blast.  Photos to come soon.

The 3 guys

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Hooray for Christmas Fun!!